Alien Prisoner

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Kara came back to the DEO after another successful mission. J'onn met her at the door and told her that they had brought in a new alien prisoner. Kara walks up to her friends and stands next to Alex as the prisoner is brought in.

"So what's this guys deal?" Kara asked.

"He was caught trying to trade some alien tech downtown. We're glad we were able to stop it when we did. By the looks of it, that tech is no joke."

Kara looks over at the alien and sees something flash in his eyes. Next things she sees, is black. Alex looked over at Kara just as she fell unconscious.

"Supergirl!" She yelled as she too fell into unconsciousness. Winn looks up from his computer screen just in time to see Alex fall unconscious next to Kara. He looks over at the new prisoner who looks suspicious to him. When the prisoner makes eye contact with Winn, Winn falls into unconsciousness.


Barry and his friends were on their way back to Star Labs after spending a well deserved night off at a local karaoke bar.

"That was fun! We should do that more often!" Exclaimed Caitlyn.

"Yea but the singing there made me want to vibe my ears off," complained Cisco.

"Oh come on guys it wasn't that ba-." Barry was cut off by the sight of a man standing in the middle of the cortex. Upon seeing him, Barry fell unconscious on the floor. Cisco and Caitlyn looked at Barry to see what had cut him off when they saw him fall to the ground unconscious. They then looked up to see the strange man in the middle of the cortex and fell onto the floor next to Barry.

A few minutes later, Iris jogs into the cortex so she can ask Barry why he wasn't answering her calls. When she enters she sees Barry, Cisco, and Caitlyn all lying on the floor with their eyes closed. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye and turned towards it. Before she fell into the same state as the others, she sees a pair of brown eyes.

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