Chapter 1

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Ring. Ring. Ring.

The alarm blasts off, breaking the silence of one early Monday morning. Faye stretches under the warm comfort of her duvet. It is freezing cold despite being in mid-autumn. Nevertheless, she has to jump out of bed and star tanother day of monotony and tedium.

Every day is a repetition of her previous days. She gets up, drinks a cup of coffee, gets on the train and arrives at work. Everything is the same, only the faces are different every single time.

She finds a vacant seat between a lady with a massive bottom and an old man wearing a musty smelling winter coat. She can't help but heave out a deep sigh before taking out a boring novel from her knapsack. She starts reading and loses consciousness of the world around her. Despite the lackluster book in her hands, she falls deep into the story the same way as with the most exciting books she has ever read. It's still a book in spite of the fact that it is uninspiring and bland.

The next thing she knows she has reached the end of the underground line. She rushes into slipping the book into her bag and jumps out of her seat. However, she is stopped in her tracks when she accidentally bumps herself into the tall man standing in front of her.

"Perdón" she says as it is just one of the few words in her bank.

The man turns towards her with wide eyes, wide brilliant blue eyes.

For a moment, she is captivated by how bright his eyes are. They were the most beautiful vivid blue eyes she has ever seen in life, though this is an exaggeration on her part especially that she has only seen a few of such eye color in her life.

"It's alright,"he says in English with a noticeable English accent.

She realizes how little time she's got and utters another apology before running up the stairs. She does not make a fool of herself that often but when she does it is to a great extent.

Faye works in an English academy in Madrid and she has been working as a teacher for three years now. She started off as a regular teacher until she has been promoted as the academy's head teacher. Her life in this Spanish has not been a walk in the park. In fact, she has been through a lot, especially that English is not her mother tongue. In this time and age, she has seen that there are still those who don't believe that a non-native speaker such as her can be an excellent teacher just as much as native speakers are, or even better.

Being a head teacher hasn't been without challenges either. Her workmates haven't seen her as someone capable of being on. However, she hasn't figured out if it is because she is not a native speaker, or she is a woman. Nonetheless, she has been trying her best to meet everyone's expectations.

Hours have gone by since her class started and it's finally lunch break, the best part of her day. She goes to a nearby coffee shop to take a break. She normally leaves her workplace to have a peaceful respite from work.

Sitting at her usual table, she takes out her laptop and starts typing random things on her blog. The coffee shop is packed as usual, hence leaving no room or other guests. She is surprised when she sees someone standing in front of her. Taking out an earphone from her left ear, she looks up to see who it is.

'What the...' she says in her head.

Blue Eyes is standing before her, holding a tray with a coffee cup and a slice of cake. He is staring at her with curiosity before he repeats his request to the seat at her table.

Faye looks around to see if there are any other available seat and finding none, she signals him to sit down. She moves her things to give him room to set his tray on the small table.

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