The beginning

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Name: Matthew Williams

Birthday: July 1st, 2000

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Description: long shoulder length strawberry blond hair with a curl that won't stay down, Violet eyes. Fair skin, has a maple leaf birthmark on the back of his neck.

Hero name: Not available at the moment. 

Powers: Dream walker, the ability to go into people's dreams to change or rewrite their personality if done write, or could observe one's dreams. 

Weakness: When in the dreamscape the dream walker can get hurt but can't die in reality but can be left in a coma for several months.

I woke up, to a muffled thud, shooting up in bed. I felt the sweat slid down my neck as I shook myself from my weird nightmare. I was being bullied by people I didn't know, I always found it strange that whenever I had a dream it was about something I never heard or seen before. I could walk around but in different dreams that I have there was something that always comes after me.

I had told my Mother and Father this but they just said that I have a great imagination, so I just learned to live with it. Even though I had these weird dreams since I could remember.

I crawled out of bed to go find my parents and stay up with them for a bit. I walked out of my room and down the long dark narrow hallway that leads to the living room, the kitchen and the front door. As I was walking down the hallway I had a bad feeling in my gut, like something bad was going to happen.

Glancing around the hallway to see nothing that could harm me, so I shrugged off the feeling and continued on towards the living room. When I had entered the room I froze with fear and horror. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked at the scene in front of me.

There was blood splattered all over the walls and floor, there was a giant pool of blood coming from two sources.





My parents.

There were two men covered in my parents blood, stuffing priceless items into brown bags with their backs turned away. I quietly walked over to my dead parents to see that their jewelry was still on their bodies. I carefully grabbed my mother's locket and her wedding ring, and my father's wedding ring and dog tags. I put them in my pocket and turn to leave the room, when a hand grabbed me.

I froze in horror as I was forced to face one of my parents killer's. The mans face was covered in their blood liked he showered in it like a madman would possible do. His green eyes held a cold, dark, sinister look in them.

"Hey Aaron! I found the couples kid!" the man shouted.

The other man, Aaron, turned and looked at me and grinned. I felt terror rush through my body as the man walked up to me, picking me up by the collar of my shirt and landing a punch to my stomach. I cried out in firy pain as they both beat me up, dropping me to the floor to kick me around.

This continued until I was turning black and blue and half conscious, do to lack of air and the amount of injuries, I had been screaming and crying for what seemed like forever. I silently prayed that someone would save me and save me fast but I didn't know if the neighbors could hear me.


The front door slammed open and men in police uniforms came charging in with guns drawn and are ready to shoot.

"POLICE!!! HANDS IN THE AIR!" one of them shouted.

"STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILD!!!" another shouted.

The beating stopped, there were footsteps running away from me. There was more shouting and yelling all around me. I laid there shivering with tears running down my bruised cheeks. I flinched at the sudden sounds of gunfire could be heard.

I blinked when I felt strong warm arms wrap around me and lifted me up off the bloodied carpet floor. I weakly looked at the kind officer, who held me close in a gentle grip, smile softly at me. He had short curly brown hair with two curls sticking out of the rest of the hair, one on top the other close to his shoulder, green eyes and tanned skin.

"W-what h-happened to the b-bad men?" I weakly asked.

The kind man looked at me with sad eyes before sighing.

"They are being dealt with, So you are safe from them."

I softly nodded and looked at my dead parents and covered my face in the kind man's chest and cried.

"I'm so sorry about you parents. I'm sure they put up a good fight to keep you safe." He said.

He walked out of my home and towards his car, quickly letting a member of his team know where he was taking me. He started his car, after placing me into the passenger seat, and drove off to the hospital.

"What you name kid?"

I weakly coughed before answering.

"M-Matthew W-Williams, mister."

I started to fall asleep when he replied back.

"I'm Romulus Vargas. It is nice to meet you Matthew."

I fell asleep  when I was taken into the hospital, with a smile on my lips. I was in the hospital for two months before child services took me to my new home.


Hello My Chibi Readers!

I was reading two stories that I had found last year and was inspired to write this, and some ideas were from action movies as well. I do not own anything except for the plot.

I will be updating the character status in every chapter that includes powers and weaknesses. There will be NO romance just friendship and fluffy friendness <~ not sure if it is a word but who's judging, eh ^.^

There will be mentions of past bullying and some character backgrounds for other characters. But please let me know if you like this story or not. Also a hero name for Matthew! That would be Awesome!

Au revoir!  

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