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"your ex-boyfriend? so you're telling me that he was the reason why you were so sad...and the person he had been buying bouquets for...was you."
the raven-haired looked at him with a shocked expression while he tried to sort things out in his mind.
"why did you break up?" he asked, without thinking about it twice.
"this...i can't tell you, you should ask this question to jaebeom."
the two looked in each other's eyes and jinyoung noticed how mark's face was wet with tears as he started wiping them off with his own hand.
"i'm sorry if i made you cry, if it makes you so sad i won't touch jaebeom again, okay?"
"that's not it..."
"then...why were you crying?"
"i can't tell you now...please wait for me until i'll be brave enough to give you this answer."
the raven-haired took the older's hand in his and squeezed it tightly.
"i'll wait."
so, after talking, they both went back to the flower shop where they had left jaebeom, he was now cleaning the coffee that mark had accidentally spilled before.
"oh, you're back."
the narrowed-eyed boy said, looking at them.
the raven-haired just went to him and started talking, he wanted to know, he wanted to know so badly what happened between them.
"jaebeom, can i ask you something? why did you break up with mark?"
"jinyoung, actually..."
jaebeom looked at mark, waiting for his consent to speak.
"go on, you can tell him."
the boy nodded and so he started explaining everything to jinyoung.
"so...the first time that i came here was to buy my boyfriend a bouquet of roses for our first anniversary, i was so happy when i came here and i wanted to surprise him with this special gift but once i saw you something started changing. suddenly the person that i had always on my mind wasn't my boyfriend anymore, the person i wanted to treasure the most and spend my whole life with, the person i wanted to cuddle with and wanted to make happy, the person i wanted to see smiling, the person my heart was beating for, i noticed that the person i loved was you, jinyoung. i told my boyfriend that i started feeling something towards this worker at a flower shop but that i would have tried to forget him, i really didn't want to hurt him but even so my heart wouldn't stop beating so fast when i thought about you and so i thought that maybe he deserved a person who loved him and that person wasn't me. i left my boyfriend and my boyfriend was mark. i started coming here everyday, buying bouquets was just an excuse to see you but at the same time i felt so guilty for leaving mark that's why today i told you that i had broken up with my boyfriend and that i was very sad.
i fell so hard for you, i don't even know how it's possible but...it happened.
if you don't feeling anything towards me, it's okay but is there a little chance to make you fall for me?"
jinyoung stood there, in disbelief, as his eyes widened at the sudden confession.
he was speechless.
"jaebeom...actually i didn't think that you were feeling this way...i don't know how to tell you this but i'm already in love with someone else at the moment, i'm so sorry..."
jaebeom just looked away, a sad expresion on his face as he bit his lower lip.
"ah, i knew it, there must have been someone...then please just forget everything i just said...now i'll go, i hope that you'll be happy with that person."
and like that the narrowed-eyed boy left the store, leaving them alone again.
jinyoung had a strange look on his face, mark had never seen that expression before but he looked somewhat disappointed and a little sad when he suddenly started speaking.
"so...for all this time the reason why you came here, it wasn't me, right? it was him...the reason why you came here that day and told me that you were sad, it was because you knew that i was the person your boyfriend was in love with..."
mark was speechless, he didn't know what to say because half of it was true. it was true that the first time he came here was because of jaebeom but if he kept on meeting with the younger was because he felt at ease and very comfortable while being with him, he just felt good and just recently he had realized that this 'feeling good' was something more.
he realized that it was something more because of his cheeks always turning red, because of his heart beating faster when he was with him, because he always wanted to see the raven-haired, because he always had him in his mind.
when jaebeom told him of this boy he hated him, he hated the worker for ruining his perfect relationship but as soon as he got to know him he fell in love without even noticing his own feelings.
and now mark has to admit it because he can't suppress this feeling anymore, he has to admit he fell in love with the reason that made his relationship end.
and that he loves him a lot, more than he has loved anyone before, more because when his mind is saying that it's wrong his heart is saying that it's right and it feels at the same time good and bad.
when his mind is asking if falling for him is right his heart is already one step ahead and he can't control it, he can't control his heart's reactions unlike he does with his mind.
"jinyoung, let me explain please..."
his dark expression spoke more than words, his face was lowered and his bangs were covering his eyes, words escaped from his plump red lips.
"please mark, just leave for now."
the blonde-haired tried to reach his hand but the younger just avoided his touch and went back behind the counter.
he said one word and that one word was enough to hurt mark's feelings.

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