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mark and jaebeom had been in a relationship for a long time, they both were happy together and spent a lot of time enjoying each other's company, everything was perfect until jaebeom met this boy in a flower shop.
he was going to buy his boyfriend a bouquet of roses since it was their anniversary but mark just wished he never received that bouquet, it's known that roses have their thorns.
the boy was named jinyoung and he's the reason why they broke up.
jaebeom helplessly fell in love with him and he continuously went to that flower shop just to see the boy, forgetting about everything else, even about mark that had waited for him milions times until it became too late that he had to go home.
the younger told him about this boy, that he was feeling something, that he would have tried to forget him but one night jaebeom just decided to leave him and he wishes he could say that he didn't see that coming.
but he did.
it was sudden, it could have been a normal day if this didn't happen, everything could have been normal if his boyfriend didn't leave him.
"jaebeom, where are you going?"
the older grabbed his wrist.
"mark i'm sorry...i tried but i just can't be your boyfriend anymore."
tears were falling down on the blonde-haired boy's face.
"so...it's him again, right?"
the narrowed-eyed boy couldn't help but lower his head.
"i knew it...it was obvious after all that you loved him."
the grip on his wrist became less strong.
"mark...i'm sorry rea-"
but his words were stopped by his ex-boyfriend's voice.
"you know it's just that i wish that i was blind 'cause i die everytime i see you going back to him."
yes, everything could have been normal, but it just wasn't.
and that's it, that's how everything ended.
but mark was curious, mark was so curious.
he wanted to know how this boy made his boyfriend fall in love with him.
that's why, the day after, mark wrote the address of the flower shop on a paper and decided to visit it.
it wasn't hard to reach since it was in a street he already knew but when he arrived in front of the shop he hesitated.
he was afraid of what he could have seen.
what if his boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, was there kissing that jinyoung?
his heart was aching only at the thought, he wasn't ready to see that, he wasn't ready yet.
he was deep in thoughts when someone opened the door from the inside, ending face to face with him.
it was a raven-haired boy around his age, he had dark big almond eyes, rosy cheeks, a little nose and red plump lips.
"oh, hello, how can i help you?"
now he understood why jaebeom fell so hard.
mark couldn't deny that the man was stunning, perfect he could say.
mark noticed that he was staring at the boy only at that moment.
"sorry, i need to buy some flowers."
the worker brightly smiled at him.
"yes, of course, you already know which type of flowers you want or do you need me to help you choosing?"
"i think that i'll need your help."
"of course, come in please."
mark entered the shop and followed the other boy that went behind the counter.
"flowers have a lot of different meanings, each flower is special in his own way, what do you want to symbolise?"
mark didn't even think about it, he answered right away.
"the pain, the pain of being left alone."
the raven-haired's bright smile vanished and his expression became more serious.
"then i think that an anemone would be the best flower, it symbolises exactly what you said, the pain of being left alone.
then we should add some other flowers, another good option could be this beautiful one, an hydrangea, it symbolises the desire of staying away from one person."
"then i think that it will be perfect, thank you."
"it's nothing."
mark cautiously watched as the worker assembled all the flowers together making a beautiful bouquet that was handed to him.
he was going to exit the shop when the raven-haired suddenly stopped him.
"wait please!"
"what is it?"
"this is for you."
the boy gave him a little pink flower wrapped in a white ribbon.
"it's an azalea, it symbolises the hope, an unexpected joy, i hope that this flower will cheer you up."
the older couldn't help but be amazed, he had never met such a kind person before.
"ah, thank you so much, bye."
"bye, have a good day."
the blonde-haired left the shop and deep in his heart he couldn't help but feel a bit happy for the flower he just received.
"azalea, i will remember it."

flower shop || markjinWhere stories live. Discover now