If I've Gotta Sin...

690 26 9

Fair warning, I changed the rating on this story to 'R' for a reason.

Enjoy, or whatever.

Mikasa ran her hand along the bars of her cell, enjoying their coolness before hating them a little more.  She'd been here for ten days now, and was sentenced to at least twenty more. She didn't regret what she'd done, not in the least, but she missed sleeping in her own bed. Especially during nights like this one.

She and Sasha had been sitting together under the shade of a tree when he'd noticed them and decided that he needed his teeth kicked in that day. The man had insulted them from afar for awhile, jabbing at their relationship and talking about how their 'kind' was causing problems in the city. The girls did their best to ignore him, but eventually Sasha shouted back at him.

This only seemed to embolden him, and he approached them and sneered at Sasha, whispering more cruel words to her. She pushed him away, and he shoved her down in return. In a flash, Mikasa was on him. She hooked her hands behind his head and brought it down into her rising knee. He collapsed backwards, howling and clutching his broken nose. She dropped to one knee and punched him in the ribs once, twice, three times before standing, satisfied.

Mikasa plopped down onto the straw mattress that was her only furniture. Just thinking about the incident was enough to bring back waves of anger. Why do idiots like that exist?

Of course, it was only a matter of time before the Military Police came looking for her. She came quietly when they asked her to, and was escorted to the courthouse.

The trial didn't last long, the man's broken ribs and bandaged face was evidence enough to convict her of assault. Luckily, she wasn't on duty or in uniform at that time. Had she been tried as a soldier, she could've received life in prison. As it was, she had to serve at least a month in here. The food was cold and at night the air pierced the thin cloth she was made to wear. The worst part, though, was only being able to see Sasha during the slim visiting hours allowed. 

She'd entertain herself by watching the sunlight stream through her tiny window, marking in her mind the position of the shadows when Sasha would be coming soon. During her visits, Mikasa would pretend that it wasn't all that bad in prison. She knew that Sasha blamed herself for what happened, and didn't want to make it worse until she got out and could forgive her properly.

After she left, Mikasa watched the shadows move as they swallowed up the room until the moon rose and illuminated her tiny world once again.

Shadows are much more interesting when you're stuck in a box.

Mikasa was making shadow puppets with her hands when she heard the heavy prison door creak open. She snapped to attention, no one had ever come in this late at night. Footsteps echoed around the empty prison. She was the only criminal in there that night, most people were too busy worrying about the looming Titan threat to kill or steal. Aside from the occasional drunken belligerent that needed sobering, the prison didn't see much action. All the more reason for her to be curious about whoever had come in.

The footsteps stopped in front of her cell. It was too dark to make out the intruder's face, but his voice was unmistakable.

"Comfortable, Ackerman?"

"Captain Levi!" Mikasa wondered if she should salute, unsure of the etiquette required in this situation. She settled on nodding her head once in his direction. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"The better question is what are you still doing here?"

"I'm sorry, Captain, I don't understand."

"You see, the guard out there seems to have accidentally drunk a sleeping powder, I don't think that he'll be awake for at least a few hours, and you have the key to your cell sitting on your bed."

Mikasa looked over at her mattress. There was no key. She raised an eyebrow.

Levi blinked. "Right, " he pulled a key from his pocket and threw it onto her bed, "As I was saying."

"You have every opportunity to leave and come back before anyone notices you, yet you choose to stay."

Mikasa decided to play along with Levi's little game. "You're right, Captain, thank you for pointing this out."

"Don't thank me, Ackerman, I was only making an observation."

Levi turned and walked towards the door without another word.

Mikasa called after him. "Captain? Why are you doing this?"

He glanced over his shoulder at her. "Because if you weren't in there for beating the hell out of that guy, I would be.

*               *               *

Mikasa padded slowly, carefully past the doors that hid her sleeping comrades. After what seemed like an eternity, she reached her and Sasha's room. She gripped the handle and slowly turned it and gave the door a slight push. It creaked open and she slipped inside, shutting it behind her.

She walked to the bed and leaned over her sleeping lover. Mikasa watched her chest rise and fall with her deep breathing for a moment, then kneeled on the bed. She shook Sasha's shoulder gently. Then harder. Then a third time, a bit more violently. Mikasa's annoyance was growing. No wonder she's always awake so early, she sleeps like a damn rock all night.

Finally, she resorted to pinching Sasha's cheek. Hard.

Her eyes flew open and her hand went up to her face. Sasha opened her mouth to cry out, but Mikasa lunged over her and silenced her with a hand. She took some satisfaction in the shocked look on Sasha's face as she realized who was now straddling her. Mikasa slowly lifted her hand.

Sasha tried to say something, "Mikasa, what-" but she was silenced again, this time by Mikasa's lips against hers.

Mikasa knew she didn't have much time, so she got straight to the point, running a hand underneath Sasha's nightshirt to discover that there was nothing underneath. All the better.

She saw Sasha tense up at the sudden advances, biting her lip to keep quiet. Cute.

Mikasa didn't stop there, massaging Sasha' breast with one hand while teasing her other nipple through the shirt, earning her a few sharp gasps. She was focused on making this last, well aware of the fact that it would be her only chance to do so for the next month.

She felt Sasha's hands near her waist, felt them slide her pants down and off of her, exposing her lower half. She took the hint, stripping herself of her prisoner's shirt and tossing it aside before working at Sasha's clothing. Soon, they were both completely nude.

Mikasa was preparing to take the lead again when Sasha sat up suddenly, pulling her legs back to kneel in front of Mikasa. She gripped Mikasa's shoulders and slowly lowered her backwards, kissing her repeatedly until Mikasa felt the bed under her head and back. What's this?

Sasha worked her hands around her body, exploring and teasing. She moved lower and lower until... until she hesitated, and a pained expression appeared on her face.

Sasha laid her forehead down on Mikasa's shoulder. She began to cry. "Mikasa, I'm so sorry... it's my fault that you ended up in prison. It's my fault we can't see each other."

Mikasa shushed her quiet. "Sasha... I don't blame you for any of it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, prison and all. But right now I don't want to talk like that. I don't want to think about anything but you for the rest of the night. Can you help me with that?"

Sasha blushed and nodded, wiping tears from her eyes. Mikasa smirked, "Now. I believe you were in the middle of something?"

*               *               *

They could only spend a few hours together, but that time was more passionate than any two nights combined that they'd spent together.

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