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A loud knock was to be heard in the early morrow. There were several of them until the door had opened. Barry had ran into Celia's room, thinking that she may have been kidnapped. He was panicking and skidded down the corridor into Reaver's room. Usually, by this time, Reaver would have been up and staring at himself in his mirror, but he wasn't. Barry's eyes widened when he saw Reaver and a smaller figure being 'spooned' by him as they rested. Barry walked over to wake Reaver up, but stopped as he noticed the familiar black locks of Celia's. His heart had dropped and he walked away, sulking.

It started to get cold for Celia, even though Reaver was holding her in his once cold, but now warm embrace. She sneezed delicately and bunched up into a ball. This awoke Reaver as he smiled and bundled up with her, curling his legs around hers. Celia turned around, touching her nose with his and burrowed her head into his chest. Reaver found this rather, adorable as he hugged her tighter.
"I'll squeeze you half-to-death soon, my dear, if you keep this up. You're like a small bundle of innocent joy. Well, half innoce-"
"Shhhh" Celia cuddled onto him even more, hushing him.

Reaver remained still in his position, until he decided it was time to get up. He carefully moved his arms away from Celia, making her whimper in some kind of way. This made him feel a sense of guilt for her, leaving her to be devoured by the coldness of Winter. He leaned on his arms, got up, and put on his black robes. Celia yawned and opened her eyes as she rubbed them, trying to focus on Reaver. She looked around and realised: she was naked. Again. She pinched the bridge of her nose, in between her eyes and closed them.
"For the love of Avo. Please tell me I didn't do anything that I'll soon regret." She sighed. Reaver raised a brow.
"No no. Not at all darling. I think I had done a proper job!" Celia looked at Reaver and felt a burning wave of fear overcome her.
"Am I..." She began to panic.
"No! Of course not! Can't bare the things. Do not have the slightest burden of worry in your head." Reaver explained, feeling proud of himself for relieving her of this stress she had quickly experienced. She shut her eyes tight and dragged her legs from out of the covers, onto the side of the bed. Standing herself up, she tip toed over to the wardrobe. As she opened it, she was bamboozled by the sudden brightness of different shades and colours. Reaver chuckled to himself as he looked across at her naked body, struggling to find something appropriate to wear. Finally, after the amusement and allowing her to play his little game, Reaver walked over to his coat hanger, finding a white robe that he used to wear, but grew too tall for it. He put it on her and saw that the bottom of the robe was just below her buttocks. A large section of the top of the robe left her chest quite bare, but Reaver thought this was exceptional. "Reaver. You damn-well know I'm not one of your whores." She slurred, influencing Reaver to chuckle. Celia Covered her chest with her slender fingers and cooed at him.

'BANG!' The pair had instantly turned their heads in the direction of the door, hearing the clanking and smashing of glass, vases and pans. Reaver at this point looked furious, but turned to smile at Celia, "One moment my dear." He swiftly turned around and reached for his gun he left on the bedside table. Celia grew anxious when Reaver shut the door. "Now Barry what did I say about performing such an oblivious act-" Reaver was cut off by a roar and another smash. Celia quickly hurried to the door and peaked through a small slit, just being wide enough to peer through. Her eyes widened as she saw what seemed to look like a Ginger Balverine shielding Reaver from a White Balverine."Get off of me you Hound! I can deal with this myself!" Reaver was yelling and trying to release himself of the unique coloured creature. The White Balverine began tearing at the Ginger's skin, making it arch it's back in pain, but still, it protected Reaver. Reaver saw Celia and yelled, "Get back in there! It's far too dangerous out here at the moment darling. I'll sort this rather... Awkward situation out in a short while!" Reaver tried to shoo Celia back into the chambers, but she couldn't help and feel guilty for the Ginger. It looked at Celia and it's eyes glimpsed a shine of agony whilst it's damaged back was starting to slowly give way.

Finally, the now blood stained Balverine had stopped and drawn it's attention towards Celia as she waved her arms and shouted, "Hey! You dirty little mut! How dare you hurt that poor thing-" The Balverine roared to the top of it's lungs and lunged for Celia. It pinned her down and screeched in her face. Celia squinted her eyes as she saw an imprint on it's right shoulder. It was a carving of a Dove spreading it's miniature wings. She mumbled "Dovesdale..." As soon as she said this, she heard Reaver shout to her, trying to push of the weakened Balverine. "It's Dovesdale!" She raised her voice to tell Reaver. "It belongs to-" Her voice was instantly replaced with a blood-curdling scream. The White Baverine had turned her around and ripped her Raven mark from her shoulder blade with it's flint like teeth and talons. The mark would not rip off, making the experience even more agonising. The Ginger Balverine pulled itself up and tackled the White Balverine down the staircase. Reaver finally stumbled up onto his feet and checked Celia's wounds. She was weak and her eyes started to change from a brown colour to an icy blue.

"I'm cold"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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