What Would They Rather Have?

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Thank you Dear Universe for the idea of having Sophie and Biana dating!

They're just so cute together! >.<
Maybe I'll write a story after this one about them...

If anyone other than DU is reading this, you should go check out her story "More Than Meets the Eye" on Fanfiction .net!
It's really cute~

"Holding hands I see," A disembodied, familiar voice giggled once Dex and Fitz got to Foxfire.

The two quickly dropped one another's hand as Biana appeared next to her brother.

"What was that for?"  Fitz asked, startled.

"I'm just making sure there are no marks,"  she said, checking him over.

"Marks from what?"

Biana giggled again.  "Ohh, nothing."

"Were they holding hands?"  Yet another far too familiar voice asked.  "And since when did the Dizznees and Vackers arrive at Foxfire together?"

Dex turned his head and glared at Keefe who was walking their way.  His cheeks were still a little pink from earlier.

Keefe laughed at him as he turned his attention towards Biana, who was still checking over her older brother.  "Your girlfriend wants you over by the silver tower.  She said something about an elephant raid?"

Biana's cheeks flushed pink as she got a smile on her face that went up to her eyes.  As if the smile wasn't enough to show her excitement, she also jumped up and down a few times before sprinting across the campus to Sophie.

"Elephant raid?"  Dex asked, confused.

"I don't want to know,"  Keefe said, a small smile at his lips.  "Foster's emotions were weird when she asked me to tell Biana, and I couldn't tell if she was embarrassed or plotting something evil."

"Probably both."  Fitz smiled.

Keefe hooked his arms between Fitz's and Dex's.  "Yeah, we should probably start walking now, lovebirds."

Dex was about to make a comment on that when a terrifying voice came out of nowhere.

"Do you know how hard it was to explain to your parents why I wasn't doing my job?"  Grizel asked in an angered voice.

Fitz slowly turned around, a sheepish 'please don't kill me smile' plastered to his face.  Ever since the warlock incident, his bodyguard had been extremely protective of him, and didn't like it very much when he snuck out.

"Yeah, about that-"

"The amount of lies I told your parents is scary, and you cannot escape the talk.  I'm starting to trust you less and less."  Then she turned her attention towards Dex.  "Not you, you're perfectly fine and adorable,"  her attention went back to Fitz, "but you are just awful.  The least you can do it tell me your about to leave!  Biana and I had to meet up in the middle of the night and make such an elaborate plan to save your sorry butt that she almost fell asleep during breakfast!"

Fitz's smile faltered.  "Is she okay?  What'd you tell my parents?"

"Your sister is fine.  We told them that you had a nightmare and ran to Sophie's house because cognate stuff might help you sleep, and might I add that they were a little too happy about it."  She glared down at Fitz.

He flushed.  "Oh."

Keefe gave him a sad look before nudging Dex over so that he didn't have a choice but to grab Fitz's arm in a form of comfort.

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