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Im new here in Growtopia and have no idea whats going and theres a ad and it was filled with words. I thought I should read it because I had never ever seen a ad with no ✖ at the side of it and theres only worlds no pictures .


Wow so those were the rules and new stuff going on today . Then something went up to my mind . It was about making a world . I wanted it to be named AVGAMES . So I typed it on about on my Ipod . As I pressed enter the whole world was filled with dirt and there where only a sunny background and a little bit of rocks under the dirt. I thought about doing something and another ad showed up .

It was about the rules it said to use my hands to break any item and go to it so I can get it. It was already easy enough for me doing it so I did . I was so excited and got alot of seeds and blocks . After that another ad came up and said " You can make a new item by placing two seeds together " I thought in my head again " Hmm I think I should do this later " For awhile I had been breaking for a couple of hours and suddenly I just realized that I just cleared my whole world . My face was like 😲 . But practiclly I had no clothes lol and no lock. I thought I had enough gems to go and buy myself a lock but I pretty much didn't know how so I just though * sigh *


My cousin went to my room and told me " What you doin cuz " I told him " You know just playin Growtopia " Then suddenly I went out if my world and noticed there was this world named START . I entered it and wow there was alot of people there one called me a big fat smelly noob and I went sad and just continue to where i was going ..


Heyo guys if guys want to know me in Growtopia Leave a comment at the comments ofcourse and I'll pretty sure I'll check it every day . Anyways AquaAngels Is actually my account name but this is really not how I started Growtopia so if your wondering Don't ask till were friends lol!!

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