New friend : D

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I went out cause I already forgot ( NO FARMING FOR 1 week ! ) So I told him I took a break for 1 week and relax about everything and I also told him im trying to find a new friend . I went out looking for a new friend and there t is again , I saw this world named DRAGONFACTORY so I entered it . It was filled with dirt and trees and stuff but ofcourse it was locked so I just jumped from the little cage like I was a trapped kangaroo. Then the owner aprroached me and told me " Whats all this crazyness ! " and I told him " sorry about that sir AquaLion , I didn't meen to bother you I just wanted to have friends . Im sorry if I disturbed you D : . " . He told me " Ok ok your forgiven :) . Don't worry , So hi my name is cloud Vincent cloud and im a starter . So what brings you here in my world ? " I told him " Idk I just got atention of your world name thats all :D" I told him " Soooooo. WANNA BE FRIENDS :p ." Cool .. I meen yea whatever ok : v "

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