My lock

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I went home and just thought about all the amazing features and stuff I could do with my world .

At first I bought my very first own lock and just costed 50 gems and I have like 379 gems so minus





I said " WOW IM RICH " (lol wha 329 gems and some dirt = RICH , NO WAY ) So then I Mixed my seeds and waited for the door to grow and while waiting I also bought some backpack ao now I have 229 gems with me but its ok .. Then I took my doors and then did my entrance it mostly looked like this



Sorry if you couldn't work this out im not good at these stuff :P

So I got a few lava seeds and also rock seeds ad 600 dirt seeds and 600 cave backgrpund seeds I just trashed the extra added dirt and cave background cause I dont want it a mess .


So hey and stuff I want to make a new book in a newbies guide but it will be after this book so sorry about that but don't worry I think I should be updating every single day and times when im bored so theres plenty enough for you to read and I will be hosting a contest soon so you will be commenting this down below

Name :


Why shall I add you in my story :

Ok so thats all for now bye!

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