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I walked into a room with a black walls and black chairs with a nice table assumably a meeting room. I've always hated meetings they're so tedious. Jungkook grabbed my forearm and led me to a chair next to him. The goofiness and chatter that filled the room had been abandoned with my presence now being there. The 6 eyes watched my every move as I took in my surroundings.

"So since you're gonna be here for awhile I think it's best if we introduce ourselves" said one with peach blonde ish hair. Jin I'm assuming. I rested my head on my palm with my elbow on the table.
"You mean to tell me your not the typical cold blooded killers who're evil and don't want me to know their names?" I asked with sarcasm in my voice.
"Cute" said the one straight across from me. Taehyung.
Two seats quickly were being pushing back but I didn't bother to look to see who got up.Suddenly I felt arms around me. Squeezing the life out of me while shaking me.

"Oh my God you have no idea I am such a big fan of your work. Like a really huge fan before you leave is there a way we could take a photo even" said the two grinning boys.

"Hey let go of me right now" I said..... And they listened as I was set down. I frowned my eye brows. Definitely not mafia material.

"Excuse them the black haired one is jimin and the red head one is j-hope, they insisted you got a nice clean room" he chucked and extended a hand.
"I'm Namjoon or you can just call me RM" he flashed me a dazzling smile and if I had even the slightest bit of interest I might've even swooned over him. Ugh just another playboy.
"I'm Jin" said the peach blondie.
"Taehyung" the brunette winked at me while he shook my hand for a bit to long for comfort.
"I'm sure you already know Jungkook " Namjoon said to me. I nodded again. How could I not the kid literally kissed me like 10 minutes ago.

Namjoon's eyes turned to the other man next to me who was at the end of the table. I followed his eye direction and there sat a handsome man with blonde hair. He seemed to be watching me intently. When our eyes caught each other staring at one another he smiled. His pale hand was there for me to shake and I did as soon as our hands made contact he flinched back. My eyes snapped to his.

"I'm sorry your hands were just extremely cold, I'm suga by the way" he explained. I herd one of the guys snicker at this slightly awkward situation.

"So smoke care to tell us your real name?" Taehyung asked. I cocked my head to the side letting out a chuckle.
"Let me get this straight you abduct someone without even knowing their name or any kind of background information" I asked amused. They all somewhat looked uncomfortable after I said that.
"Tch fucking noobs" I muttered.
"That's not the point we want to know your name" Jin retorted slightly angry sounding.
"Jeez you guys really don't know how to do this do you?" I spun in my chair looking at jungkook next to me.
"I'll be a darling and show you a demonstration huh" I said as the eyes of these men all gazed on me. I reached out for jungkook and grabbed his collar of his shirt and brought his face close to mine.

"How about this you tell me the plan behind the attack and I won't kill Jung-hyun" I raised my voice a bit while aggressively holding his collar still. Jungkook's eye brows frowned he looked upset.

I herd rapid clapping and I sat back at my seat letting jungkook go. Hoseok and Jimin where clapping and fanboying. I slowly turned my eyes to jungkook and winked at him.
"What's wrong?" RM asked jungkook. The two loud boys had now settled down and were looking at him as well. As I uninterestedly leaned back into the chair.

"I didn't tell her about Jung-hyun. I didn't tell her he was my brother. Or that I even had a brother" he said staring at me.

Namjoon got up and pulled a gun out and pointed it at me. Impulsive idiot.

"How the fuck do you know that?" He shouted.
"Oh you mean like how I know about your sister Geongmin?" I asked innocently, he stomped over to me. With his gun still in hand, the gun was a few inches away from my head as he pointed it at me.
"Tell me right now or I'll blow your brains out" he shouted. I got up out of the chair standing up.
"If I were you I'd put that down before someone gets hurt" I seethed at him.

"If we kill her 역설(The Paradox) will come after us to kill us and our loved ones out of revenge, don't kill her idiot" the voice surprisingly the voice belonged to Suga. Namjoon huffed but obeyed his hyung putting the gun away. Jin sighed in the background and we turned to him.

"Smoke we will be selling you back to your mafia in the meantime on behalf of all of us we do want to ask of you a favor" I raised my brow at Jin but continued to listen to him.
"Jimin and Hoseok are actually our "hackers" if you will and for that matter they're not the best at it so for next month I'd like you to teach them in order to improve their skills" Jin explained. I looked over at the two who looked at me with adoring eyes.

No wonder they fanboyed.

"So be it, if you wish for them to be taught by me your eyes need to be quick and your thinking quicker." I said to the two boys who nodded now being serious.

"Then it's settled and oh by the way you will 24/7 be monitored by Suga or Jungkook. That is all." With that Jimin and Hoseok scurried to my side.
"When do we begin learning" they asked giddy. I looked at jungkook.
"Tomorrow 9am sharp" I said and they ran off.

This is gonna be a long month.

Possessive (Min Yoongi FF) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now