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(the hoodie being worn in this chapter ^^^^^^^)

A month had passed. I stretched my arms out and popped my knuckles. And looked down at my lover sleeping next to me, after the meeting awhile back he didn't know what to say. So he didn't say anything. We went to bed in silence with him just wrapping his arms around me. I took a quick shower and got dressed in his black hoodie and a plain pair of light blue jeans.
I woke him up by giving his face kisses. He opened his eyes and his blonde hair was a mess that I found cute. He smiled up at me before pulling me down by the strings in his black hoodie into a kiss.

It was a passionate kiss and I loved it, I smiled into the kiss. Once our need for oxygen came to be we pulled apart. I rested my forehead on his, his brown eyes looking into my grey ones. My hair that was damp dripped onto him.
"I'm so glad you told the truth, I would've had a hard time convincing the guys without using violence if you didn't, for some reason it's still fresh on my mind as if it happened yesterday" he smirked at me.

"C'mon get ready I have to go meet everyone else to revise the plan." I tugged his arm up. He laughed lightly.
"Ah Jagiya I'm up I'll get ready" he said as I continued to pull him once I felt as if he would actually get up I let his hand go. And he did go get ready. Later he came out
In blue jeans and a white shirt with a black jacket that wasn't zipped up. He ran a hand through his hair looking at me.
"Come on" he reached for my hand pulling him out the door. He pulled the hood of my hoodie dragging me back next to him instead of in front of him, he put his arm around my shoulders. His arm that was draped around me still held my hand. With his other hand he pulled my chin up towards him and planted his lips on mine. When I pulled away he kissed my cheek.

"Where are we going again?" He asked sleepy.
"With the other guys to revise the plan again" I replied.
"Jagiya can we just go back to the room to sleep it's like you're 7th time revising it" he whined.
"No but you can if you'd like" I pursed my lips.
"The only time I don't wake you, you feel like getting up" he groaned as we made our way to the lab. I entered using the key card I received about a week ago, as we walked in we saw the other 6 figures waiting for us.

"Kiki you're late" Tae said.
"I know I'm sorry he was being a pain getting up" I said poking yoongi's cheek.
"You sure he's the one who didn't get up?" Namjoon butted in I frowned my brows.
"Trust me even if he carried me here and woke me up right now I'd still go over this plan and make a new one better than you could" I replied rolling my eyes. Everyone besides Namjoon laughed until he gave them death glares.
"Sorry she's just so sassy it's cute" Hoseok said. Yoongi rose his head at that staring at Hoseok.
"Yeah my girlfriend is cute thanks for reminding me to appreciate what's mine" Yoongi gave him a look with a raised eyebrow tightening him grip on my waist.
"Kiki let's hear the plan again" jungkook spoke up.
"Kiki?" Yoongi raised his brow once more.
"Tae was the first one besides you to know my real name and he didn't like Ki-Dae so he went with Kiki" I explained.
"Kiki as in kiki do you love me are you ridi-" I slapped a hand over his mouth as the boys laughed and started singing the drake song. I face palmed my head looking at Yoongi as he looked down at me innocently.

After a long 7 hours of devising and revising a plan we had a perfect plan in case Ezra attacked. I felt tired thinking about all of this. Slowly all the boys left except Yoongi. I looked at my phone.
'1:42 am' it read. I sighed internally going back over the plan looking for things that could be improved or any flaws. I ran a hand through my hair sighing.

Okay maybe this plan will be fine.


Maybe isn't enough.

Maybe could get us killed.

I need a it will be fine. I won't take anything less than that. I shook my head from my thoughts of giving up. The plan was a basic one, if they tried to invade us they'd go to certain places and wait out taking each person out silently and stealthy. Since that's how smoke was known for working.
Silent and stealthy. You lost yourself in thought again.
"Jagiya you look exhausted let's head back to the room to sleep" Yoongi spoke up. I shook my head no. He got up and walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"You're over working yourself Ki-Dae" he whispered into my ear.

"I just wanna make sure this plan is perfect, after all you can't forget I made the plan they're relying off of as well. I made that plan to be unstoppable" I said looking down. He brought his fingers under my chin lifting it up to look at him.
"Hey you came here trying to take us out for your mafia, you can't blame yourself for having a change of heart" he said softly. Pressing his lips to mine softly. He grabbed my hand tugging at my arm towards the exit.
"Let's get back to the room you look like you're about to pass out" he chuckled at me. As soon as we got back I hopped into the bed with Yoongi, going to bed as soon as my head hit the pillow.
"Goodnight Jagiya" he whispered before I fell into a sleeping darkness.

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