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Kingsland, Texas

It was a hot summer's day. Not a single source of life was seen anywhere around. All the plants that seemed to grow on that land ages ago were dead from the intense heat that the sun was dropping down so shamelessly. Warm wind carried the sand across a lonely old road that trailed for miles upon miles, never seeming to find any company.

And then, the sound of tires, colliding with the concrete ground broke the silence of the outback. A bright yellow school bus passed the lifeless desert, loudly playing the song "South Texas Deathride" with a choir of teenage voices singing along.

The driver was the oldest one of them, Eric. He was a tall, very pale guy with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Under them were bags of sleepless nights and anxiety. He was the only silent one.

The others cheered and loudly sung along the radio, obnoxiously banging their heads. There were six of them and since the bus was pretty big for their crowd, they went all out in having a good time, despite the situation they were in.

"Come on, Eric! Cheer up." A girl sitting in the seat right behind him playfully yet lightly pushed his shoulder. "Everything's behind us now. There's nothing to worry about."

"I'm not in a bad mood or anything, (y/n), I'm just a bit anxious. That's all." He replied.

The (h/c) haired girl sighed and laid back in her seat, looking through the window while the others continued to rock out.


(Y/n)'s POV

That night I woke up to a burning smell. As I opened my eyes, I saw smoke all around me. I looked over at my roommate Amber's bed, but it was empty. As I quickly got alert I jumped out of my bed and rushed out of the room.

Everyone was panicking and running all around in distress. I started following them towards the exit when all of a sudden I was grabbed by the wrist and pulled behind a corner.

"Eric! What is going on?" I yelled.

He pressed his index finger to his lips, motioning me to keep silent.

"It's Cory." He said.


"Cory started the fire." He explained. "We're getting out of here."

My eyes widened. I really did hate this place, but all of this was so sudden. I wasn't sure if I was even prepared.

We lived in an orphanage. It wasn't a good kind where they actually took care of the kids. It was a real shit hole. The food sucked, the quality of our beds sucked and the caretakers treated us like absolute trash. I had been wishing about running away ever since I was a little girl. So of course I wanted to agree on this plan. But setting the place on fire? That's kind of extra.

"Eric, was it necessary to set this place on fire?" I asked.

"Not really, though it does give us an advantage. And besides, you know Cory. Always playing with fire." He gave me a slight half smile.

I sighed. "Okay, whatever. Let's just get out of here."

And so we started moving towards the backdoor, carefully avoiding the fire and the collapsing ceiling. We finally made it outside where we were greeted by Cory, Amber, Archer and Martin.

"Finally, you made it." Cory spoke with a smug smile. He was a buff looking guy with a blonde buzz cut. As always he wore a plain white tank top and some old worn out jeans. "Look what I managed to arrange." He pointed at one of the yellow school buses that used to drive us all to school.

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