Chapter 8

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I do not own Rise of The Guardians or Danny Phantom.

"Alright, everyone! First Halloween, let's make it a great one! We've discussed this before, so scatter!" With that order, all pranced away and went its own direction. He placed his hands together and made tiny balls of ice. Leaving them on the floor, they developed legs and crawled away, spreading its webs in high reaches. Flying back up, he looked around. Some children giggled while wearing their costumes, comparing the amount of candy they've got. 

"Looks like your debut went well," Jack said, flying next to him. Danny nodded and both snickered when Danny's fox frightened a random citizen before fading away. "Come on. North called and I'm here to bring you there." Tossing a globe, a portal opened and the duo went in, leaving Halloween to Danny's companions.

At the North Pole, a portal opened and out flew two spirits, speeding towards the workshop. Landing on the table of the globe room, the two giggled and slid off. The other Guardians were already in the room and watched the two settle down. "Alright! This is the started of the monthly Guardian meeting. Since this is  Danny's first time, let us explain." North boomed. Tooth took over, standing and fluttering around the room. 

"We started this monthly meeting as a way to inform the others on the current status of the children. Ever since the attack by Pitch, we stepped up on security." "This is not only to update us but to spend some time together. Previously, we met for every century, but look what happened. Pitch came." Bunny said, polishing his boomerangs. Danny nodded and looked around, taking in the Guardians as they discussed business while bickering with each other. 'I think I found my new family. Thank you.' He thought, smiling fondly at the group.


Hello, my fellow readers! I'm back with another chapter of 'The New Guardian: The Rewritten' and freight not as even though it may seem like the end. It ain't. So I have brought this chapter to you during my week break before my last two exams before I'm free. So I hope you've enjoyed it and thank you for reading! If you liked it, vote please! If you want future updates or know where this story is (because god knows I've misplaced don't know how many stories to the point where I can't find them), add this to your library and reading list. Thank you once again and I'll talk to you guys in the next chapter!

KitsuTer Out!


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