I. Prince Charming

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AN: November is my favorite month. Scorpios rule ♏. And this new story is undergoing its Beta-test.

I. Prince Charming


Kisses giddily walks on the sidewalk on her way to work on a monday morning. Arriving in front of her building with a spring on her step, she takes her earphones off and excitedly wears her employee ID over her head to gain entrance.

She almost giggles to herself inside the elevator after seeing the grumpy looks thrown by her other coworkers her way for being too sunny in a monday morning but Kisses can’t really help feeling that, because today is monday, a workday, another chance to finally have a glimpse of the person she's in love with.

When she finally arrives at her desk, she leaves her bag and immediately goes to the restrooms to refresh her make-up and lipstick, silently cheering herself in the mirror for arriving just in time before the object of her affections. She’s changed the tint of her lipstick to dark red this week and she really really wants him to notice.

Next, she goes to the small kitchenette on their wing, makes a beeline to the coffeemaker and prepares her first mug of caffeine for the day.

She finally settles in her desk, turns on her computer and proceeds to check her latest emails while watching the wall clock every five minutes to wait for him to pass by.

She still has time, so she starts on her mail replies and finishes her coffee. By the time her head jots up to check the clock again, she's pretty sure he's running late. Kisses hides her displeasure by drowning herself at work. And by the time the lunch hour came, the disappointment had already hit, and she's sure he won't be coming in. And even though its a Monday, Kisses waves away the panic that something must have happened to him, because surely there must be some emergency board meeting or something that she doesn't know about, and she can't really reprimand him or anything, because he's her boss.

That's right. Kisses Delavin is in love with her boss.

She returns to her office after lunch. It has been an overall slow morning, ever slower now that the expectation of seeing the love of her life has left her system and Kisses decides to laze for a little while before completing her measly paperwork for today. She's been working as an architect for B&P Industries for almost a year now, one of the most prominent engineering and technological business companies in the Philippines. And Kisses loves her job, she's very good at it.

She takes off her heels and swivels in her chair, moving childishly to plaster her forehead on the cold glass wall of her office that overlooks the city. She loves working on this kind of environment, sitting on her chair, in her own office, like its her throne and the world just at the palm of her hand. Its amazing and the view is spectacular. Life is good. It only could get better if he was here.

Kisses startles at the sound of a knock on her glass door and she turns on her chair expecting her assistant. But speak of the devil and he will appear.

“Good afternoon, princess.” Kisses swoons on her seat and blindly searches for her stilettos with her feet. Why is it that he always comes to see her when she's least prepared for him? She haven't brushed her teeth yet!

But there he stood, hands on his pocket, handsome smile always present on his face. He was wearing a black tailored suit that hugs his body in all the right places and Kisses squirms in delight. He looks amazing. Add to that the way he greets her with his nickname for her. Ahh, yes.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Barber.” She says politely after locating her heels and standing up to greet him.

“Kisses, come on! Call me Edward please. It's awkward hearing you call me that everytime, especially knowing we're schoolmates.” He grins.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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