Tulips In November/ Eleven

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Tulips In November/ Eleven

                                I sat there in class, trying to write, but my head was still wrapped around the sheer madness of what was goin on- who murdered Arch, and how? I mean, dude was a force to be reckoned with…it had to be somebody he knew , was comfortable with enough, to let his guard down around, coz I just don’t see no one over powering that boy- he was the All American linebacker of the year in Pennsylvania. He had secured an all expenses paid scholarship to Pitt- I remember when he was at the press conference the school, doing muscleman poses in front of the camera for Sportscenter at the announcement of his commitment to Pitt…and not less than a year later, he’s dead. Arch’s parents were crushed at the news…his funeral, was this weekend.

                               Troy Linden had gotten an all expenses scholarship too- to the University of Maryland. After the whole “gay thing” started goin viral, Troy’s dad started havin his suspicions about Dory livin with Troy…so, after graduation, Dory and Troy came back to the house- to a confrontation with Troy’s father. Dory was tossed out on his ass, and Troy got shipped off to Maryland…Dory tried to come back home, but I put the brakes on that- I was still reeling mad from the way he acted in the hospital. I could tell Ma wanted to say something but I think she was afraid of the fact that I was now payin more than 60% of the bills around there, that I would apply my leverage, and do something like, go move in with Aimee, leaving her alone.

                               She knew with Dory into school to keep his scholarship, and her working, she wouldn’t be able to make it and get any rest to stay healthy, so she went along with my decision…that’s when Dory got that piece of shit lookin apartment that he lives at now. He only pays two hundred a month to Mr. Schefulsczi…he could’ve been paying less if he would’ve decided to stay at the dorms. I guess after being bullied enough about bein gay, Dory decided the best thing for him was to stay away from people altogether, to avoid any issues.

                              Only that wasn’t enough.

                              The bell rang, as I snapped back to reality- I groaned, knowing that this was going to result in this being homework…thank goodness I didn’t have to work so hard at the mill- for the time being, they had relegated me back to sweepin floors, and light cleaning. As long as I got paid, and I kept busy, it was good enough for me. I had worked on Wednesday, and for some weird reason they had me comin in a little later today…we had finished classes early for the day. I usually went, and hung out with Aimee for a bit, before I had to go in to work…between us goin to school and us working, we had very little time to spend together nowdays, so the time we did spend together- I enjoyed it.

                                I leave school, getting ready to head to my car, when I look across the street…there stood Raul- Dory’s “boyfriend”, with some other gay lookin dude. The way he was interactin with dude looked like he was familiar with him…very familiar. And I’m lookin coz it doesn’t surprise me, at the least- I always figured that Raul was too slick, too city style, to have just one person to be with. I mean, Dory was that “pretty, innocent” type that attracted Raul, but if another guy came by who was a little more ass-sertive(haha) or aggressive than Dory, Raul would jump in the sack with that guy in an instant. That’s why I didn’t care for Raul too much…I had my reserves about Troy, but if I HAD to be okay with one of the two havin a relationship goin on with Dory- I’d most likely be okay with Troy.

                               They walked down the street, Raul bein his usual little flamboyant self- acting flamer to the max, every once in a while falling all on the dude like a girl would, and the guy, putting his hands all around Raul’s waist like “that’s my girl!”, while walking down the street…it was enough to make me wanna ralf up my lunch I had today. I followed behind, making sure to stay hidden from their sights. How other people could ignore the sight of these two, I didn’t get it…my jaw dropped, when I seen what building they had went inside…this was un-good.

Tulips In NovemberWhere stories live. Discover now