Reaction to your death

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TW—mentions of death and just a lot of sadness. I was very sad when I wrote this and was really just getting some angst out of my system. I'm better now though.

Jamie Lannister

He pounded his fists against the walls of the Red Keep when you died, again and again until both the wall and his hands were covered in blood. He had prayed to the gods for your safety but in the end it had all been for nothing.

Joffrey Baratheon

When he heard of your death he turned away from the messenger and closed his eyes, trying to picture your face and the soft touch of your lips against his. He felt anger rise within him and stormed out of the throne room. Cersei tried ardently to comfort him.
"Leave me alone" he shouted at her.
"My boy..." She began.
"I order you to leave me alone!" He screamed and kept walking. He found himself stopping outside of your old room. Inside he spent the day lying on your bed trying to imprint your smell into his mind to keep it forever.

Robb Stark

The wildlings and the northerners went to war and you both tried to create peace by heading beyond the wall to talk with your kin. There was an assassination attempt, he survived (barely). Afterwards he finally created peace, as had been your final wishes.

Jon Snow

At the parley with Ramsey Bolton before the battle of the bastards he was given a box. Ramsey told him to open it later for it includes something that he believes Jon would like to see. That night he opened it and inside sat your head, bruised and battered but still your head. You had been left in Winterfell when Ramsey took the castle so he had tortured you. All the words were knocked straight out of Jon's mouth and Sansa stared at him, concerned.
"What is it?" She asked her brother.
"I need to dig a grave" Jon replied and got up, bringing the box with him. That night he dug a small hole and on top of the mound of dirt he vowed that he would get revenge. He did.

Benjen Stark

He heard about your death when visiting Winterfell again, it was a fever that killed you. Came in the night and you were dead by morning. Benjen went to the godswood with tears in his eyes and sat underneath the heart tree for hours trying to remember what it was like to see you smile and hold you in his arms.

Oberyn Martell

Ellaria tried desperately to comfort him but he walked out of the room and picked up his spear, spending weeks and weeks whacking people to the ground in his fury.

Tyrion Lannister

He drank until he could no longer feel the sorrow within him. Every morning and every night he wished he never met you because then you would still be alive.

Cersei Lannister

When she saw your body a single tear rolled down her face. She brushed her grief away with wine and sweet memories of you.

Sandor Clegane

He got angry because he couldn't protect you. First he buried/burned your body and because there was no septon near he said a few prayers. Then he put a marker on your grave with your name on it. He got on his horse Stranger and they rode into the horizon, never looking back. He knew that you always wanted to travel the world and if you couldn't do it then he would do it for you.

Daario Naharis

He kissed you on your forehead and closed over your beautiful eyes. He always knew that being part of a sellsword company meant that one of you would die sooner or later but he had hoped that it would be later.

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