Prologue: Is It Over?

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They did it, they won, Zarc's terror is finally over.

After the explosion and the smoke disappeared, Zarc, once again split into four, and Ray left Riley's body, and like Zarc, Ray split into four. All four Yu Boys and all four Bracelet Girls are lying on the ground, all unconscious.

The Lancers: Sora Perse, Shay Obsidian, Kite Tenjo, Sylvio Sawatari, Gong Strong, Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Aster Phoenix, Declan Akaba, Riley Akaba, Leo Akaba, their father, and Moon Shadow, they were all in shock, in deep shock.

From what Leo said to Declan, once all four Yu Boys are merged together to revive Zarc and all four Bracelet Girls are merged together to revive Ray, they won't come back, but... how is it that all eight of them are still here?

Just as that happened, Yusho Sakaki suddenly appeared and was as shocked as the rest of the Lancers.

"What happened?" Yusho asked, wanting an answer, just an answer as he saw his son and his Counterparts on the ground, all unconscious, and looked pretty beat up.

"I... don't know" Declan said.

Just then, all four Bracelet Girls woke up and they all sat up, with Zuzu Boyld holding her stomach, Lulu Obsidian holding her head, Rin putting her hand on her chest, and Celina blinking her indigo eyes.

Shay, who immediately noticed that his sister woke up, quickly ran towards her and the three other Bracelet Girls.

"Lulu, are you okay?" Shay asked, holding onto her shoulders.

"Shay?" Lulu said, looking at her older brother, before blinking her purple eyes. Her brother nodded, before looking at the unconscious Yu Boys.

With that, Lulu looked at them and gasped before standing up and ran towards Yuto, which prompts Zuzu, Rin, and Celina getting up and ran towards to Yuya Sakaki, Yugo, and Yuri. Like a reaction, the rest ran towards to the Yu Boys and surrounded the four boys.

"Yuya, wake up, Yuya!" Zuzu yelled with concern.

"Yuto, say something!" Lulu said with tears in her purple eyes.

"Yugo, are you alright?" Rin said, shaking him with her light orange eyes filled with worry.

"Yuri, come on, wake up, it's all over!" Celina said, shaking Yuri's shoulders up and down.

"Stand back, Gong wants Yuya and his twin lookalikes to get some air" Gong said. They all nodded and took a step back with Yusho, Shay, Kite, and Aster kneeled down towards them.

There was a strong silence and the silence grew intense.

"Well, wake Yuya up, already!" Sora shouted, which made everyone flinch.

Declan, without hesitation, quickly came up to Yuya, and lift his wrist up and felt his pulse, and gasped.

"His pulse is beating fast!" he quickly said with his eyes widen.

"WHAT!?!" everyone screamed as they're extremely worried about Yuya, Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri.

"We need to get them to the Leo Institute Hospital and quick!" Yusho said as Declan handed him Yuya.

Shay and Lulu carried Yuto, Rin and Sora carried Yugo, and Dennis and Moon Shadow carried Yuri.

They: Sora, Declan, Riley, Shay, Gong, Sylvio, Moon Shadow, Dennis, Yusho, Leo, and the Bracelet Girls warped back to the the Standard Dimension before dropping Kite off to the XYZ Dimension and Jack and Crow to the Synchro Dimension.

Aster just stood there as they all disappeared, back to their respective Dimensions, but he couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. He should be happy that Zarc is finally gone.

"But why do I think otherwise?" he asked himself.

"It's because that wasn't the grand finally, my friend" a voice said with insane laughter.

Aster gasped once he heard the voice and laughter, so he turned behind him and saw a person, dressed in a black cloak with a hood. The hooded figure smirked evilly as he stepped out of the shadows and the sun coming down quickly.

"Who are you?" Aster demanded, with his blue eyes glaring at the figure.

The figure tilted his head and even though Aster couldn't see his face, the figure was definitely smiling an insane smile.

"Oh? You don't know who I am? We just met today, and you don't even know who I am? How pretty pathetic, for a Duelist at the Fusion Dimension."

"Who are you calling 'pathetic'? I want to know!"

Without saying anything, the mysterious hooded Duelist pulls out his Duel Disk and activated it, which prompts Aster to activate his Duel Disk too.

"Very well, then, though I haven't forgotten about a Duelist who Dueled alongside with the Lancers, and lost once again."

Aster's eyes widen a little as the figure grabbed his hood, and as the evening turned into night, the figure flung off his hoodie, and Aster gasped when he saw the figure.

"I thought that you were-"

"Gone? If only Ray Akaba haven't interfered, then maybe things should've turned out differently for my last finally when my boys were merged together as one."

"NOOOOOOOOO!!" Aster screamed as the figure summoned out his Ace Monster and blasted Aster and, just like that Aster was layed on the ground, unconscious.

The figure sighed. He hasn't put up a good fight, and even though Aster is a general, he couldn't even win in a single Duel against his two boys, himself and the man taken care one of his boys.

He looked at the sky and smirked. It was night time here, and if he was right, it must be night at the Standard Dimension.

"Off to the Standard Dimension, and when the time finally comes, it will be a reunion to remember, but until it comes, I'll just watch over them, and when the time is right..." the figure smirked evilly as he grabbed the four cards that was supposed to defeat him.

"Ray Akaba... your possibly the stupidest Duelist ever, unlike my four boys..."

He made his destination. Where was he going? The Standard Dimension.


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