Chapter Two: Crazy Visitors

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When the all of the Lancers entered into the room where the Yu Boys are in, Zuzu opened the door and she, the three Bracelet Girls, Yusho, Leo and the Lancers, stepped inside. Though once they saw them, they're all in shock.

All four Yu Boys, Yuya, Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri are all lying in bed, all rapped in bandages.

Yuto's left arm was all bandaged up, his forehead was bandaged up, and his right wrist was bandaged up as well.

Nearly of Yuri's face was bandaged up, expect his eyes, nose, and mouth. His neck was bandaged up, both his shoulders are bandaged up, and his right arm was bandaged up too.

Though it was both Yuya and Yugo, who had the worst injuries, compared to the other two Yu Boys.

Yugo had both his legs and arms covered in tight banged-up, and his neck and forehead as well. On his right arm had an Ivy.

Probably from Dueling his heart out since they were at the Fusion Dimension. Dueling Rin was one thing and Dueling Yuri is another, but being becoming one as Zarc, is a whole other thing.

They were mostly worried about Yuya, so once they all saw him, he was almost like a mummy, expect his eyes, nose, mouth, and hair.

"Yuya... oh, Yuya, why?" Yusho said, gripping his staff. Though he knows that it wasn't really Yuya's fault, because he was in Berserk Mode for most of the time.

Zuzu's body shook after seeing Yuya in this condition, because of that however, she was about to rush to him, only to be stopped by Gong by putting his hand on his shoulder. So instead, all four Bracelet Girls and the rest all went to the Yu Boys.

Yusho, Gong, Zuzu, Sylvio, Riley, Declan and Sora went to Yuya, Lulu and Shay went to Yuto, Rin went to Yugo, and Celina and Dennis went to Yuri. Leo Akaba in the other hand, just stared at them, mostly at the Yu Boys and Bracelet Girls.

How is this possible that all eight of them are still here? Was it all Ray's doing?, he thought.

"Why did this happen to all four of them?" Rin asked, looking at her Bracelet before looking at her childhood friend.

"I wish I knew, but I still don't get it" Declan said.

Riley, in the other hand, put her head down while looking at Yuya's Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon card, before looking revealing the three other Dimensional Dragons: Yuto's Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, Yugo's Clearwing Synchron Dragon, and Yuri's Starving Venom Fusion Dragon.

She managed to grabbed them after the wind blew away the smoke from the explosion. She walked over towards Lulu and Shay, who noticed her. Instead of saying anything, Riley gave Shay three of the Dimensional Dragon, who gave Rin two of the Dimensional Dragons, who gave Celina, Yuri's Starving Venom Fusion Dragon.

Riley, then, walked over to Yuya, and placed his Dragon in his hand.

"When is Yuya going to wake up?" Sora asked.

"Gong doesn't know, but it will take a while, since Yuya Dueled to his Dueling limits while trying to fight off Zarc's control" Gong said.

"DON'T SAY THAT, GONG!" Zuzu yelled, which made all of them looked at her with shock.

She turned away. "Sorry, it's just that... can we please drop the whole Zarc taking control of Yuya thing, and forget all about it, for now?" Zuzu pleaded, looking back at all of them.

"Zuzu is right, until Yuto and the rest wakes up, let's not talk about it, because... I don't want to talk about it neither" Lulu said, squeezing Yuto's other wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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