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⬛ ⬜◼◻◾◽▪3rd Person Point of View▪◽◾◻◼⬜ ⬛

"Billieee!! Are you there?!"- Asked by a very familiar voice. It was Callahan. Banging the door loudly.

"In here *pant* Cally Help!! Ahh!"-Billy yelled between moans while the man still thrusting his fingers inside her, her juices dripping down her thighs as he was doing it doggy style. She felt disgusted she did not wanted this, she did not expected this at all. In one swift motion of his leg Cally kicked down the door and immediately pointed the gun at the man over her.

"Ha! Jeffrey McCracken! Fuck, Raise your hand and get off her or I'll fucking shoot you to death!"-He yelled. Jeffrey paused and chucked, he slowly stood but stood facing his back against Cally. Cally gave a warning shot that rang through the whole house screams and yells would be heard from downstairs and all over as the music died down while Jeffrey on the other hand did not even flinched.

Billy scrambled away from Jeff and crawled her way to Callahan.

"Im sorry Bill, I couldnt protect you."- He mutterd still not removing his eyes on the man. Jeff just erupted in laughter.

"Oh come on! Billie loves me, Right Bill?"- He stated confidently, still not facing them. She slowly stood and lean to Callahan for support.

"He ... he, raped me."- She mumbled but it seem to echo through the room since the whole house was now silent.

"Oh, no no no no Billy .. You, I mean WE did it! annd I know YOU liked it."- He cooed and laughed afrerwards.

"I -I .. I was just making fun of yoou .. I mean, this is a party." - She was reasoning out the mess she got herself into. This time, Jeff turned to face them very slowly with his eyes glaring, daggers on Billy.

"Making Fun? of me?"- Anger and pain was clear in his voice. Billy was having second thoughts of the incident, she did enjoyed it eventhough she was against it herself. The words she spoked made Callahan lost his focus on the serial killer and made the killer grin.

"But I did enjoyed it. I'll admit." - Billy added out of fear. Callahan glanced at her with wide shoked eyes. The next thing, Jeff was gone and escaped through the now wide open window. Callahan lowered his gun and went straight to the door avoiding the girl.

"Wait! Callahan! .. Please hear me out." - She begged gripping on the officers arm.

"You were having sex with a serial killer Billy! And admitted that you liked it in front of the person who was suppose to arrest him!"- He yelled making her feel worse than she already is and she dont want anyone to hear it.

" sshhhh, I only said that to not to make him snap .. he'll kill us definitely if I angered him." - She reasoned out. Billy smiled to herself internally for being such a good liar.

"I already got him Bill! I had a gun pointed at him! You- You just-*groan*" - The officer ran a hand to his locks in frustration. Before she knew it her friend Kathy tacked her into a embrace. Cally immediately changed his frustrated state into a fake relieved expression.

"How about I take you girls home." - She could sense that Callahan was being cold towards her and she could tell that the man was obviously disappointed at her.

She just brushed the though off. Who is he to even feel that way?! He is only doing his job!

The rest of the ride was not silent Callahan and Kathy chats like she was not even there, not even bothering to look at her or check if she was okay. She rolled her eyes and stared out of the window. She felt dirty, sticky, immoral , used and unpure but not even thinking a minute of regretting it. She was brought back to reality of Kathy asking her something.

"I said, Do wanna go sleep over at my house?" - She asked glancing over her left shoulder. The girl just nodded in response. Kathy shrugged and told Cally her address.

When they got to her friends home she immediately got herself out of the car and went straight to the front door.

"Woah woah woah, Slow down would ya."- Said Kathy grabbing her arm to stop her.

"What the fuck happed?"- Kathy asked. The girl just stared at the curious Kathy expressionless. Didn't Callahan told her yet? Kathy seemed to get the idea, she grabbed her key from her pockets and unlocked the door. Billy went straight into Kathy's room as Kathy went to the kitchen to grab some snacks and drinks to sober up their stomachs. They sat into the bed, legs crossed and facing each other. Billy was the first to spoke.

"Jeff .. He - We ... fucked." - She whispered the last part. She knew her friend would get mad at her for seducing the guy she liked and ended up fucking. Kathy remained silent Billy just sat there looking down her crossed legs not looking at her friends face. She continued.

"Well not exactly .. it was just a blowjob .. I really didnt mean it." - As she lifted her head to glance at her friend she felt her left cheek sting as her head snapped right. At this point she was speechless.

"How could you?!"- Kathy yelled and stood up and walked down the bed. At this point, Billy was furious! When she reached me from the bedroom and tackled me it doesn't seem like a hug of a worried person, It seems like she was happy that I was in trouble. And the rest of the ride she seemed cheerful for a friend of a victim.

"You know of all people knew that I like him!! .. I know what you did Billy! You fucking grind on him in front of everyone!" -She paused and then continue.

"Like the fucking slut you are! You got a room. I watched you as you WILLINGLY follow him! I was glad hes finally going to teach you a lesson!! ..." - She paused, surprised of her own words as they came out of her mouth. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"I didnt know it was him until Callahan came! and Yeah! You thought he was going to kill me or harm me so that I'll learn my lesson to scram? I was looking all over for you and you just watched me!? Thats why you were so cheerful werent you? You thought Jeff was gonna kill me so you can have him all for yourself! He raped me Kathy!! Jesus!"- Billy replied with her eyes bursting in tears and her voice a little muffled from it.

"Thats the problem! If you were harmed then we wouldnt be arguing by now!!" -Kathy yelled back more angry this time.

"Its your fault .. If only you werent fake and dumb as you already are you shouldve stoped and helped me stop him like a real friend instead of just watching me being dragged away!! We couldve avoided all of this!!"- Billie yelled with sarcasm clear on her tone.

1183 words

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