Chapter 8: Loops and Ropes

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Like the most sudden gasp to have come from your fragile body. Sitting up but was immediately rejected of that when a heavy pain in your chest was felt almost taking your breath away.

Placed your gloved hands over where your heart had been taken only to see a cartoonish-like bandaged in the shape of an X. Your heart had been placed back and you could feel your heart pumping against your chest.

Shaky breaths came from your lips as you gazed around while still keeping your hands over your heart paranoia sinking in of it being taken away again. The rolling among the creaking wood of this hellish workshop made you only aware of needing to move.

Looked around and saw that it was some sort of repetitive maze the heaviness still lingered causing a burning sensation through my shoulders.

"She awakens.."

"She cursed.. he knows.."

"She threats.."

Murmurs from the shadows crept as you kept walking away. Knowing it'd be foolish to so much as look back when it's all just to keep moving forward.

Opening door after door until reaching somewhat of a center room. The sudden fear that had long been delayed in your body came alive. The Butcher Gang standing just a foot behind you watching with their deformed bodies and incoherent language gurgled with ink.

A sudden panic attack rose from the very bottom of your feet to your mouth where you let out a scream that had been long since overdue. Screaming and running all around the maze you had just walked out of until slamming face-first into a door with a unique set of pipes.

Throat tired from screaming that only puffs of air would escape, noticed another door just off to the left of the wall of pipes. You rush towards it slipping against the wall as the ground was filled with ink before bursting out of the other door on the other side falling with an exasperated gasp of relief.

"I live!" You shout hearing as your voice echoed. Get up on your feet before continuing. Come to a scratched-up window when walking down one of the corridors only to immediately shield behind some boxes and hold your breath when the Ink Demon comes walking. His evil grin just screamed terror as you peeked from the corner.

'Even if he did save me... I'm still terrified of him'

Sprinting into the next room anxiety already starts taking over. Coming to what looked like the inner shell of the ink machine had its outer shell been removed. Look at the river of ink before starting to move across despite feeling shorter as your legs fused with the ink until reforming once on the other side.

The clanging of opening doors caught your attention as you walked from where you could see just the peak of the opening. The weight on your shoulders suddenly disappeared. Entering were the heads of the projectionist all circled some sort of throne.

The shining of a tape recorder caught your eye as you walked up to the distressing throne. No sound came from the recording as all there had been was white silence before it turned itself off. Staring at the recording in confusion before suddenly hearing guttural growls.

Glancing up at the grinning Ink Demon before you who was peering down at you. Their arm resting under their chin as if amused you couldn't hear anything. A sudden bright light shined from behind as the sound of a cheering crowd was steadily growing louder. Turning around seeing it was your father's stage. Those years you had always been forced to dance just for him to make a profit and keep the theater running.

The crowd blurred your vision from the bright stage lights above. Hearing your father take the credit as you stood in the middle of the stage. Confusion of how you got back along with why you look disassembled in some places. The lights suddenly turned off forcing you to wander through the darkness.

The light slowly returned only to bring you back to the Ink Demon throne where he still stood with his amused look. He started shifting around coming towards you but you couldn't move back, just stood there. He kneeled bringing his face close to yours.

"Now you understand."

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