Part 1

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All Might woke with a gasp, confused when his eyes opened to an unfamiliar room. It looked like someone's bedroom- but that made no sense. He had been on a battlefield...

Two villains had teamed up to destroy as much of the city as they could, using minions to run through the rubble in their wake and loot as they destroyed whatever they liked. Now a provisionally licensed hero, Midoriya had charged into the battle, having been in the area shopping with friends from class.

The younger holder of One for All was punched square in the jaw, crumpling to his knees in a dazed state of shock. Seeing one of the villains, a woman called Crusher, lift him up by the front of his shirt, All Might knew he had to act.

It was foolish, unnecessary, foolhardy, idiotic- yet he had to do it. The other UA students were scattered, the nearest pro hero likely minutes away- too late to help Midoriya. So All Might had seized a jagged piece of pipe and charged into the scene.

He saw Midoriya's eyes widen with fear, but focused on his student too much to see the crackling blue portal tear open behind him. He swung the pipe over his head, yelling "I won't let you hurt him!" Energy crackled around Midoriya's body, but before All Might could bring his pipe down on Crusher's head, the world vanished around him, leaving him falling in darkness.

God, what a stupid move. Midoriya had been recovering from the blow quickly, and he could have likely resisted the villain's blow. Still, All Might couldn't take the chance that his successor could have been killed, especially so soon after he promised the boy's mother that he would care for him.

Rising to his elbows, All Might realized he was shirtless, and looking down at his side was another shock. The terrible wound that had been slowly killing him for five years, that ugly reminder of his failure, was... gone. In its place was a smooth, white, spiraled scar.

"What... it couldn't be fixed..." All Might started shaking, sure that this had to be a dream. Just then a man entered, bald and dressed in red and yellow with a white cape. "Oh hey, you're up. Wasn't expecting you to wake up for another hour. I'm Saitama."

He offered a hand to help All Might stand. "I... I'm All Might. Where am I? And how did you heal this?" Saitama shrugged,oddly unfazed by his hero title. "You're in my apartment. And I didn't heal that, my neighbor down the street did. Maybe you know her- the older lady with the glass eye and like fifty cats?"

All Might shook his head, still reeling. "She must have an amazing quirk... I must thank her, but right now I've got to get to UA. I couldn't have been portaled too far, where's the nearest train to the high school?" Saitama stared at him for a long moment and asked, "What do you mean? There's no high school anywhere close. I think there might be one on the south side but I'm not sure."

Furrowing his brow, All Might was beginning to become more sure that this was all a dream, but part of him was convinced it wasn't. "You must know UA High School. The most prestigious hero academy in Japan?" Saitama's blank eyes were now starting to freak out All Might a bit more. "Did you get dropped on your head at some point? You're making less and less sense as this goes. Why don't you just tell me where you live and I'll drop you off?"

A boy walked in and despite himself, All Might startled at his appearance. "I see you have awakened." He raised a metallic palm and aimed its glowing center at All Might's face. "Now tell me what you want with my master!"

Saitama waved a hand at the cyborg, dismissing his suspicions. "Genos, relax, he's not going to do anything." The bald hero explained, "He thinks you fell through my roof on purpose." I went through a roof? Ouch. All Might warily watched Genos relax- he had never seen a quirk this extensive, and he wondered how much of the young man was metal, and if any flesh was left.

Genos stated, "I overheard your conversation and searched the internet for a UA High School for superheroes. There were no results, and I could find nothing for 'Japan' either."

All Might slumped against the wall, feeling as though he'd been turned inside out. What kind of world is this?

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