Non return Journey

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It was just three o'clock in the afternoon and two mountain bikes were spinning fast through the path that led through the remote North Dakota countryside.

At the head of the first was a woman: Taylor Made. He was more than a hundred meters ahead and pedaled at full speed without stopping. At the helm of the second, an attractive red-haired young man, John Backer, his cousin. He had stayed behind and despite his efforts he could not reach her. They were late for a small accident that same morning in the mountains after an animal had cut them off and fell to the ground. They had not hurt so much, but their skinned knees could be seen.

- "Taylor" - was heard in the distance and this was also the only word that could be captured from the distance that was the girl. She stopped to wait in silence. Here he finally managed to reach her. - "Can we take a break Taylor? It's all day that we pedal. We have never stopped. "- Although they were on the road early in the morning and had gone beyond the mountains, fatigue had not yet made itself felt.

Taylor nodded absently - "Only five minutes though. I want to get to the countryside before evening. "-

- "Ma Taylor" - John was blocked by the girl's refusal before he could finish the sentence. He had always kept his word. In fact, five minutes later they were back on the same path again.Still for a couple of hours.

Exactly at five o'clock they reached the end of their journey, a huge campaign stretched before their eyes. It could be guessed from the sheep that grazed in the fields not far away. But they were the only "souls" that seemed to populate that place that at first glance seemed disturbing.At least at that precise moment.

Taylor motioned to his cousin to get to her as quickly as possible - "We find John shelter. For tonight. "Taylor had always been a woman of few words, she did not love the conversation much, if not with her thoughts.

There was a house over the field with sheep. A strange dark dwelling that stood in all its majesty. A man was hoeing a piece of land beside the house; he did not even turn when the two cousins ​​came up behind him. Perhaps he was deaf, perhaps he had not heard their steps because he was too intent on his work.

- "Good evening sir." - Taylor assumed command of the situation and decided to turn to the man for information on the spot. The farmer did not deign to turn around. He kept hoeing as if nothing had happened. It seemed mechanical, seemed to go to command. But who could command it if there was no soul alive?

But Taylor did not lose hope. - "Do you live alone in this place? Is there anyone else? "- but still no answer.

Fortunately, the door of the house was open, a good opportunity to come in looking for someone.

In the main hall everything was dark; the little light that could be glimpsed was that of weak candles over a half-open door. In reality, they did not see very well but decided to try their luck and reach the room with a strange light.

It was a living room. An elegant living room, from what you could understand, with a large table in the middle and an armchair on the opposite side.Nobody spoke in that room.

Neither of the two boys could pronounce any words. What was heard was only the creaking of the chair, which swayed relentlessly, and the cause could not be the wind because there were no windows in the room.

The armchair made a turn on itself and here appeared a man with a pitch-black coat, which covered the features of his face furrowed by wrinkles.

- "I knew you would eventually arrive." -

- "Who are you?" - asked Taylor "And how do you know we would have arrived?" -

He burst into sadistic laughter - "I know so many things. I know from the moment you fell into the mountains ... and you are dead "-

At that moment, Taylor's and John's eyes grew less gleaming and they felt their forces leave the body.

- "Yes, now you will work for me, without stopping; you will be under my complete control. "-

The castellan's slaves have increased and work for him in his fields.

-"Welcome to Hell."-

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