The oldest woman in the world

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Carlo left the office around 8.30pm.

His wife had warned him that he would be home late for a business dinner, so he stopped to get a pizza from the Chinese people in the house. As soon as he opened the door of his house he smelled a strange, not very strong, but annoying smell: the smell of something gone bad. He turned on the lights, put the pizza on the table in the kitchen and checked in the refrigerator, but, apart from a carton of fresh milk expired the day before that still did not stink, he found nothing that emanated that smell. He opened the windows to let fresh air in and headed for the room to change: he could not stand the tie and shirt he'd been wearing since the morning and could not wait to put on a t-shirt and sweatpants.

He was pulling off his tie when his eye fell on the bedspread on the side of his wife: it was crumpled, as if someone had been lying on it.They had redone the bed that morning, he and Giada, and then they went out together. His wife was fastened by pulling the sheets for good, without leaving a single fold. Maybe she had left home before going out for dinner and lay down for a moment to rest. 
While he was watching the bed, the cell phone rang. It was Giada.

- Ready? -

- Hello sweetheart! Are you at home?-

- Hi baby. Yes, I just arrived. I was about to eat a pizza. You?-

- We just arrived at the restaurant ... I do not want for anything. I hope it does not go on long ... do you expect me? -

- ... depends on what time you return. I'm in pieces and I do not know if I can not fall asleep.-

- Well ... if you're sleeping maybe I'll try to wake you up ... -

At that moment the house phone rang.

- Giada, wait a minute: the other phone is ringing.-

Carlo looked for the cordless that was never in his place, followed the sound and found him in the bathroom.

- Ready? -

The voice on the other side froze the blood for a moment. It was similar to that of his wife but flickering and slightly sharper. Giada often enjoyed playing the part of the old dude. Indeed, "dumbfounded", as you said. And the voice on the phone looked like that. But what struck him were the words.

- Hello hooneeeeyy! Are you at hooomee? -

Carlo looked at the cell phone in his other hand.The display indicated the call in progress "GIADA CELL - 1 min. and 6 seconds ". And he could hear the voice of his wife screaming:

- A moment! I'll be right there! CARLO!! CARLO!!!

Carlo quickly answered his wife from the phone.

- A moment Giada. Wait up!-

He resumed his home phone.

- Hello, but who's talking? I think he was wrong ... -

That trembling voice interrupted him.

- ... wait for me. I'm getting it ... -

Then the noise of the call ended. He resumed his cell phone:

- Giada, are you still there? -

- Yes, but still for a while. They are calling me.
Who was?-

- But what do I know? It sounded like an old woman's voice. Like yours when you make the old-fashioned rumble voice ... -

- How do you say this? I'm noot stuuupid... -

Carlo shivered along his back.

- Yes...shit, a very similar voice ... -

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