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"Heh." Smirked REV all eyes on her.

She knew her appearance reverted to what she really looks like, because like with the suit, she also used her power to mask her face.

Now having her power drained, her tied blonde curly hair, which was held up with the help of her power, fell on her shoulders.

Marks on her face disappeared, replaced by her real face; pale and with her not so unique features.

Her eyes remain a bright shade of red, it being filled with excitement.

Like what she mentioned before, her suit being made out of her power it as well slowly vanished revealing the not so decent clothes beneath.

"Like I care of your transformation."

Once again Zero Three brushed it off like nothing, when he himself had questions, but his priorities were to kill the brothers.

"And like I'd let you kill them."

REV said her voice losing it's menacing tone and somewhat tired.

"And what can you do?"

Zero Three retorted stopping his footsteps midway. He knew that REV was practically immobile at the moment.

What else can she probably do?

"Nothing at the moment..."

"But they can."

Just as she told that, a magic circle formed in front of Zero Three and a hand came out punching the boy.

More magic circles formed circling Zero Three's body before he could clearly process what was happening, he was bombarded with series of kicks and punches.

As Zero Three was being handled by the newcomer who hasn't shown his or her face and just arms and legs through the magic circles, another newcomer aided REV.

"You okay?"

He asked, his gentle voice lacing with worry.

"What do you think? Come on man, get me outta here."

Whined REV.

The boy sighed and shook his head nonetheless helped pulling REV out of the concentrated energy that was draining her power.

"Like what took you guys so long?"

The latter asked.

"Well what do you think that using the emergency signal was gonna come at a fast pace while we were half way around the world where you are to just come? Signal was bad and we were dealing with something else kay?"

The new boy explains.


Yui questioned first, her voice hoarse and small.

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