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I ran up to the hut that Patrick and I built 4 days after we met. We started hanging out in there secretly.

I opened the little entrance and saw him with a mug of milk.

"Hey.", I smiled and sat beside him. He smiled back. "I told mum that I went to your house.", I giggled at my confession.

"But, you know-", I cut him off, "Of course, I know. You don't want anyone to go to your house.", I laid my head on the table. "Because problems always happen there.", I giggled. He looked at me parting his lips and slowly shook his head as he looked at the other way.

"You know, this hut is the only source of my happiness.", I could hear him whisper, and I smile. "And of course, you.", then turned his head to look at me, pinching my cheeks.

My smile widens at the moment when he tackled me to the floor, almost smashing my head on the wooden texture. I pushed him up slightly, and we both laugh.

- -

We both spent the whole afternoon together, going out and playing with the birds on the abandoned structures in the park. It was fun, and it felt like.. something I've never felt before. I don't know, but it only happens when I spend time with him that I somehow feel weird about it. It's a good weird, though.

Patrick sat on the bench, then I sat with him and laid my head on his lap. I could feel his fingers touch my hair softly, he then caresses my ear and back to my hair.

"It's 2 PM."

"So, what?"

"Your mum told you to go home before 3, right?"

I nod, "But it doesn't matter, really. I honestly just want to spend some time with you.", then grinned and sat up. He reciprocated, and hugged me.

"Thanks for being my friend."

I hug him back.

- -

Once I stepped foot unto the floor tiles of our house, I heard my mum rush up to me.

"Pete, honey- Where have you been?", she exclaimed in a worried tone. "It's almost 6 PM.", then pressed her temples.
"I was at Patrick's.", I bluntly responded. She led me to the dinner table, and there were two plates placed on top of it. Of course, with food prepared.

"We should eat.", she sat on the chair first, then I followed. I ate in silence. I didn't blurt a single sound for my mum to hear.

"So,", she interrupted the silence. "What was Patrick like?"

I was surprised. She asked about him. I didn't expect her to be that concerned about something they simply call; unreal.

"He's sweet, cute, and literally perfect.", I described, grinning brightly at my mum. "That's good to hear, Peter.", she commented. "We're gonna go to the therapist tomorrow.", and smiled as she picked up her plate, then patting me at the back before placing hers to the sink. I ate last.

Going to the therapist isn't really my favourite thing. But it also is. I met Patrick on a mental hospital's playground, and since then, we began seeing and playing with each other. We built a strong friendship that hopefully no one else could wreck.

I went upstairs after placing my plate on the sink. I didn't blurt any sound to my mum after that, and she didn't as well. I proceeded to undress and take a shower of my own. Well, not really a shower, just a little bit of relaxation in the tub, since it's been long ever since I did that.

I know, I'm already 9. I shouldn't be playing with bubbles, but I can't help it. It's one of the things that make me calm, including Patrick.

- -

I looked at the mirror and made faces. It's what I do after I take small baths. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, then dressed up into pyjamas. I could see the Batman pyjamas that Patrick wore placed in the laundry basket.

"He did take a shower here before he went.", I mumble to myself before heading out of the bathroom and back to my room.

I bounced on the bed, then turned on the nightlight after switching the lights off. I tucked myself in the blanket, then had a hard time falling asleep. I can't stop thinking about Patrick. What if the time comes when I'll never see him again?

I don't want that to happen.

mind-friend · peterick Where stories live. Discover now