28- Hello Again!

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"So you are saying that there's something wrong with him. Right?
Oh Man I cannot beleive Anna that so muh happened while I was away." Sophie was sitting on her bed with a bowl of chips in her lap listening to each and every word Anna told her.

"Yeah I guess so. You know it feels like he's having some kind of problem with me staying there at his home. And I don't blame him for that I mean no one will want anyone to stay in their home for that long without even paying." Anna said with her innocent look. She do was thinking like this and Sophie thought to strangle herself.

"Damn it, Ann Are you freaking kidding me? So you really think that he was upset because you weren't paying bills and living there for free.

For God's sake Ann, he is the C.E.O of a company which is not just running here in England but in more than 7 counties of the world." Sophie was really hurt and Anna who started feeling bit Ashamed looked at her with suspicious eyes.

"How do you know that his business is running in more than 7 counties?" She raised her eyebrows.

"I am not a dumbo like you, I have searched it up, I can even tell you the names of the counties." She smiled like she won a battle and Anna just looked at her sighing heavily.

"Wow, I didn't know I am friends with a Detective." She laughed. Well, forget about me. How's your life going? Anna said pointing towards the diamond ring that was shining in Sophie's finger.

"It's super amazing, life is a blessing Anna seriously. The wind blows slowly and softly everytime I am with Dan. Moon becomes super moon. And My hair, ahhh they began to move slowly." With these final words Sophie fell on her back and gasped dramatically.

"Drama queen. Get up and get ready we'll eat something outside. I want to have some good time before life gets back to University." Anna said and went towards washroom.


" What the hell? Why isn't his condition improving? Look I don't want any of them dead. Just keep an eye on them, take care and yes don't let him, I repeat don't let him die." There was something disturbing in his eyes. He was worried. Walking towards his window he dailed a number and waited for the person to answer.

"Book my ticket for tonight. I have some un finish business." He disconnected the phone and sat there near the window. Waiting for someone to appear there.

It was just half hour later when he saw two figures approaching a car. He smirked and saw them going after some moments he opened his palmtop and then headed outside.

After some time, the guy went in a beautiful restaurant which was decorated with fresh lilies and roses. He had already booked a table near those two persons. He had a black hoodie on his head and his head was hung low, the smirk on his face was certainly annoying but he never cared.

"He's obviously cute Girl. You should look at him the next time more carefully." He heard the red haired girl in the high ponytail saying to the girl who was sitting in front of him.

He wasn't able to see the girl sitting in front of that red haired girl. He cursed the waiter who was looking after this matter.

"Shut up Sophie, you know I don't see him like that." The girl spoke after a long time.

"Oh, so whom do you see like that" Sophie said stressing on the word "that". "Yeah I know, Your Best pal Asfu is the one" Sophie said and the girl in the scarf slapped her head. Something sparked in his eyes, fire of revenge, vengeance, hatred and much more which wasn't positive at all.

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