dylan what?

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john went to visit the cheerleaders john:hey ladies i just came to ask some questions,do you know anything about Jennifer and nicole ?

stacy:oh all i know is that nicole and jennifer argued all the time they fight and curse at each other even the night before she died.

john:oh okay you must be callie dylans little sister right?                                                   stacy:um my name is stacy and his sister transferred to texas a year ago im his girlfriend!

john:what he is dating my friend madison that two time cheating bastard

stacy: he has a girlfriend oh my god he cheated on me!where is he im gonna kill him .im gonna stab him so many times.          john:look i know your upset but we cant have people talking like that until we find the killer of Jennifer collins.                               stacy:i wanna join in i wanna help too ,and plus my big sister is in it anyway.          john:wait a minute who is your sister?          stacy:cassie she perfers that we keep it a secret.  john:why? stacy:i dont know but she said it would protect me.john:wow.          all of sudden tyler came running to john.  tyler:john i got some extreme evidence, we got to go .john:yay sure can Stacy join our group ?tyler:well i dont know but she seems nice so sure lets go.the guys ran following tyler . they ran to Madison's house at soon as possible. madison: hey come in i have some important news.so i found something interesting. the day before jennifer was killed somebody threatin jennifer she was wearing a blue and pink bracelet when i looked i found a piece of blond hair on black sweater found in the dumpster so i believe it was nicole  but im not sure.lily:oh come it was nicole hands down.cassie:maybe it was a wig lily:oh be quiet cassie it was nicole.cassie:shut up i can tell fake hair when i see it .lily:your right can i borrow that one.madison:lily!cassie:okay lily i didn't know after you fuck your boyfriend

you wore that britney spears wig and threw in the trash the day she was killed.lily :first of all that wig was thrown last week before she came to the school.madison:she's right she did .lily:you see if you wanna blame someone do it right!then again you do have blonde feather hair pin which is no ripped apart and gone now Because you threw it in a  locker the day she was killed.madison :is this true.cassie:i had a blonde feather clip but i got into a fight with some girl before school.lily:oh please you try to fight alot of people even madisons'boyfriend you scratch people and leave bloody marks,and didnt i see you before the murder injecting stacy gomez with a needle and you told her to be quiet.cassie:look i had to do it but i didnt kill nobody.are you gonna believe her madison.?madison: im sorry cassie but i cant believe you .cassie:i thought we were friends madison how could believe that bitch.tyler:look i had enough come on cassie have fun on your prissy little murder case you just lost two members. lily :whatever we dont need you ,uh can you believe these goths?anyway mystery  solve im calling the police.john :i cant let you do that lily cassie didnt kill her i have proof.come on stacy .stacy came in the house .stacy:i love cassie she would never a thing like that.lily :really haha okay much you paid her to say that john. john :i didnt pay her.madison:what did she inject you with.cassie:she injected me with........"

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