Chapter Seven

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While I was cooking breakfast the security system beeped telling me someone was pulling into the driveway.

I recognized Tori's car and before she could ring the doorbell I swung it open and pushed her back.

"Tori what the fuck are you doing here?" I said through gritted teeth.

She backed away scoffing and folded her arms across her chest.

"After my texts and calls went unanswered I got worried and thought something was wrong but after seeing your reaction I'm guessing you're just too much of a weak bitch to tell me you didn't want to be bothered so you're trying to ghost me." She said turning red.

I snickered and bit my lip as I hugged my stomach.

"Lynox broke my phone last night and the one I ordered I can't get until tomorrow. But I'm glad you came by. You're right I can't talk to you anymore but don't ever think that I'm too scared of a bitch to call things off. My wife and I realized that we can fix us which means no more of us." I said motioning between she and I.

She shook her head and looked away rubbing her tears away.

"So that's all it takes for me to not matter? A conversation." She said staring at me.

I sighed and hugged her tight burying my face in her neck.

"No Tori. It takes a ring...... I still love you but you have to go. We'll talk later." I said kissing her cheek and went back and inside.

When I crept back into the house you were setting our made plates on the counter.

"Who was that?" You asked as I walked to the refrigerator for juice.

"Just the neighbors kids asking if we've seen their dog." I said pouring the juice.

I sat down next to you and kissed you cheek smiling as you stuffed your mouth.

"Po you didn't ask me if I saw the dog." You said frowning.

I chuckled and bit my bacon.

"That's because the parents euthanized the dog yesterday. The mom told me when I took the trash out the other day." I said blushing.

You nodded your head and to my luck believed without any more questions.

But when I came home from work Tori's car was in the driveway yet again.

I ran to the door and unlocked it pushing her inside.

"What the hell Tori." I said smacking her chest.

"I can't be without you. Fuck her I love you." She said pulling me towards her kissing me.

I snatched away from her and slapped her shaking my head.

"Tori leave now." I said pushing her towards the door.

Just then I heard the garage door opening and pushed her harder.

She understood what was happening and right as Lynox swung the side door open Tori grabbed me by the arms and kissed me.

Lynox slung Tori away from me and punched her twice before I could get between them.

"No baby no. She's just upset don't do this." I said pushing Lynox back and Tori towards the front door,

"I don't give a fuck what's wrong with her get her out before she gets shot." You said looking down at me.

I nodded my head and pushed you back shaking.

You went to the kitchen and I opened the door and pulled her outside and threw her towards her car.

" I swear on my life if that shit you just pulled ended my marriage there won't be a me to pull me off of you." I said and went back inside.

I hope I can fix this.

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