Chapter 1 - Foolish Beginnings...

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Morai Lau Setsuba, One of the greatest Masked Assassins of the current day, has been tasked to snuff out the flickering flame of the Maren heritage. A girl whose past is weaved in death and loss, her name infused with a bestowing lantern, a sweetness which has no reason. Sophia Maren.

Her phone buzzed, details of the client, target's location.

Client 9X12.- A foolish heart won't help you.

Indigo Shatter.- Explain.

Client 9X12.- Why it's simple, you have to snuff out a flame and be paid handsomely!

Indigo Shatter.- Looking over, you want me to get the last Maren out of here? Permanently?

Client 9X12.- Exactly! If you sort this out over 55 million pounds will be shooting your way!

Indigo Shatter.- Consider it done.

Client 9X12.- :)

"How could she be so important that she'd be worth fifty five million pounds?" she questions to herself, as she collects everything she needs. A pocket knife, steel tipped gloves, her mask and her phone. Looking over her details of the task, and smirks softly.

"The Maren Manor eh? She definitely must be the the last."

She walks toward the manor, clicking the mask on, connecting it to her glasses, before sneaking in by the back door. Her footsteps clink against the soft marble floor. Her mind focussed on her objective. Lau, in her less threatening form of a mechanical demon based and rooted in dark indigos, mixed with sharp pinks and blues, guides her with a devilish grin, both her and Morai's eyes are glowing bright indigo. She seeks out the room the last Maren is in. 

Her private Quarters. 

The smell of orchids, green tea, and pink Roses, waft out of the room, Morai peeks on, seeing a girl around her age, petite in the face yet tall and slightly busty, Her hair is two toned in shades of ruby, and eyes of rich emeralds, a sweet smile on her face.

Morai pauses. Astounded by her beauty before Lau attempts to snap her out of it. Which works.

\This is it Morai! That girl is our gateway to big cash ville! We could buy the manor for ourselves! And live like Queens!\ Lau cheers Morai on with a voice as horrible as an untuned violin. Harsh and uncomfortable... 

/Are you kidding?/ Setsuba splutters, voice quivering slightly.

\I'm not.\ but Morai ignores them as she sneaks in, walking with soft steps, no noise, eyes glowing softly in the dim lit room. But something unexpected happens. The crimson short haired girl spots her mask, looking over her body and dark ocean blue hair in a bun. 

"W...who are you?! Why are you in here?!" she stutter, her smooth, british, sweet voice trembles, her bright emerald eyes shaking as she tries to look over the Indigo intruder.

Morai's breathing quivers, her bright, glowing, indigo eyes are fixed on her. Mind steady. The redhead trembles, petite body in a state of pure shock, the assassin is in the shade, there's a way to get out. It's just a matter of doing.

"Explain yourself!" she cries out, hoping that they explains themself. The assassin doesn't and just slinks away into the darkness, the knife's indigo engraved steel blade shimmers weakly in the evening light as she sneaks away.

The crimson haired girl stands in utter shock, looking at the empty space she was in.

'Miss Sophia? Is something the matter?' a maid, dressed in crimsons, whites, raven, greys and accented with gold and emeralds, asks after she has entered the room.

"I think there has just been an attempt on my life..." miss maren says, a tremble in her voice.

'Anyway you can describe them?' she asks worry in her voice.

"Someone in a mask, with glowing indigo eyes, dark hair in a messy bun, her body was busty in both the top and the bottom, and in her slender gloved hand was an indigo tipped engraved steel knife..." the rose haired girl describes, her voice trembling.

'I have no way to help you Miss Maren... If I had a way I would help...' she sighs.

"I guess I'll have to just put it to the side." trembles the forest green eyed girl.

'I'm so sorry miss Maren...' the maid bows to her before leaving.

The assassin smirks softly chuckling to herself. Noting on her phone to sneak in, or tab in tomorrow. She sneaks out and walks home, understanding who she's dealing with, and what to be aware for. She takes out her phone after reaching her apartment.

Indigo Shatter.- Hey, I was unable to get the target this evening, but I have gotten enough information to execute a plan this next afternoon or evening.

Client 9X12.- What?! Why weren't you successful.

Indigo Shatter.- A reason I had no idea that could happen.

Client 9X12.- You'll sort it soon correct?

Indigo Shatter.- You have my undeniable trust that I'll be able to do it.

She puts her phone away, eyes getting tired. She clips off her mask from her glasses, then taking off her glasses, placing them on her table after cleaning her glasses with a delicate hand. She yawns softly then goes to her bed. Stretching slightly before taking off her cloak, then her long sleeve shirt, her boots, her leggings and afterwards she stands in just her underwear looking at herself in her mirror. She looks over her curvy freckled body, breast big for being natural, thick thighs, matched with thick hips and defined curves with a birthmark in the shape of a heart on her right side, from her hips to the side of her breasts.

"Hmmm... something about her seemed... different." she sighs softly, thinking about the crimson haired girl she ran into and got caught by. Her short two-toned crimson hair. Stunning emerald eyes. Petite bust. How she was taller than her. How she seemed to glow in the evening light.

How stunning she was.

The ocean haired assassin sighs softly, with a hint of sweetness in it. She turns away from the mirror, grabbing her sleep wear, short shorts and a tank top, leaving her padded black bra on and her black panties on, before slipping into bed, snuggling into her pillow with a soft smiles before falling asleep after the attempted murder evening she just had. 

The crimson haired girl appears in her dreams.

A Complicated Heart - Assassin AU - Sophia Maren x Morai Lau Setsuba.Where stories live. Discover now