Chapter 3 - The True Foolishness

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/ you're actually going to p...protect her?/ Setsuba stutters, her angelic yet melodic sweet voice is clouded by worry.

"Yes. I don't want her to be harmed any more." the ocean-blue haired assassin nods.

\fine...\ lau grumbles before her and setsuba disappear as morai goes back on her phone to change the number's name from unknown to ~Sophi~ and changing her name to Momo.

~Sophi~- Hey Momo! It's been a while hasn't it? :)

Momo- Good morning sophi. It has been. :)

~Sophi~- it has been too long! I've missed you Momo! <3

Momo- Agreed. How about we meet up Sophi?

~Sophi~- I'd love to Momo! How about we meet at 11 at that adorable new cafe down the road from Maren Manor? <3

Momo- I'd enjoy that greatly. How about I pick you up from The Manor?

~Sophi~- Splendid! I can't wait! I'll see you later Momo~ <3

Momo- See you later cutie.

She smiles, turning off her phone and stretching. Lau grumbles, Morai still feeling her influence and setsuba's too. She's left in her small, quiet apartment, standing in the soft rays of the early morning. She looks The clock on her table, a cute and smile soft ruby clock, with bright blue numbers.


She smiles, knowing it'll be over in a bit, only two hours till she can see Sophia again. She feels excited, for some reason, before pausing, realising something... Sophia doesn't know what she does for a living, and she doesn't know what she does! She slightly panics thinking about what she could say as her job as she goes to change. She finds one of her long skirts, and her dark blue jumper. Slipping off her tank top and putting on the jumper.

After about one hour of lounging about and trying to find her ankle boots, She leaves, The Manor is thirty minutes away by foot, so she'll be arriving 30 minutes early if she gets out there now. So she grabs her socks, pulling them on, putting on her boots and zipping them up, before grabbing her phone and headphones, putting the headphones on and hooking them up to her phone, putting on her travelling by foot playlist, which is surprising long, Before jogging out.

She passes the beautiful city, to the large manor. Passing the bustling shopping centre, filled with families, solos, friends and couples, passing the shopping centre, and reaching the quiet street close to the large Manor.

The blue haired girl smiles, Walking up to the crimson door with a grin. She knocks twice on the door, but it swings open, she sees a big grin, two toned hair and lush, bright, green eyes.

"Momo!" she giggles, grabbing her arm and dragging her in with a cute and cheerful grin. It always makes her heart melt. The assassin smiles as she's dragged, being pulled into the manor, and going to a very familiar room. Her private Quarters.

Morai smiles as the red head pulls her in and leads her to a chair, before closing the door behind her. Sophia walks back over and sits down infront of the buxom lady, Picking up on how she's changed since high school, and how drop dead gorgeous she is. She already was pretty, but now she's divine in looks.

There's an air of wonder around Sophia, her eyes sparkling at the ideas that are swirling around her head about the bluenette, but Morai she doesn't know what to say, hoping that the two-toned strawberry leads the conversation.

A Complicated Heart - Assassin AU - Sophia Maren x Morai Lau Setsuba.Where stories live. Discover now