Chapter 2 - A recollection.

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The crimson haired girl appears in her dream.

Her arm is stretched out to her, she has a sweet smile. Behind her is a city of greys, acsented with dark crimsons, contrasted by a pastel 4 toned sky, an icy blue, to a sap green, to a shimmering yellow, to a sweet cherry red. The sky is pierced by three spears, one of raven, one of steel and one of snow. Everything behind her is faded, blending together. Her eyes are bright neon green. Hair a rich neon rose. Her warm skin is enriched, her white dress has turned into a rich maroon.

Her hand is extended out to her, a sweet pearly grin on her face. The assassin moves her hand out to her, before grasping it.

Then she wakes up.

Small beads of sweat trickles down her forehead, hair is a mess, and eyes are shocked and confused. She puts the pillow aside, slipping out of the warmth of her bed. Grabbing and placing her round big glasses on the top of her nose before she grumbles into the kitchen.

"Ugh... Why was she in my dream..." she grumbles, taking a bowl and spoon out of the draw, walking to the fridge and grabbing milk before going to grab the box of marshmallow mixed in cereal.

Her hands shake, pouring the cereal then the milk, into the bowl. The oceanhaired girl grumbles to her self, sticking the spoon into the small lake of a morning wakeup call.  Before taking her phone of charge and plopping herself down onto her grey, falling apart, cushion covered couch. It's one of the things she was able to take from her home, it may be messy, falling apart and uncomfortable at times, but it makes her apartment feel more like home. 

Softly she unlocks her phone, a lock screen of greys, going to a dark indigo homescreen, of a star speckled night sky. A small smile sneaks over face, sliding a finger over her phone to her messages, looking over them, Client 9X12, Calcedone, Client 12P9Z, Silver and, a new phone number, that she... recognises... No wonder she recognises it, its her closest friend from highschool, Sophia Mare-

And then, it all clicks. "A foolish heart won't help you." wasn't directed at her mainly, it was directed at her past. How?! How did Morai not recognise her and her two-toned hair?

"No wonder she was in my dream, why what happened in said dream occurred in real life... I've met her before, and been in the exact place!" she gets up and paces looking over the text.

Unknown Number.- Hey Momo! It's been a while hasn't it? :)

It's her typing style too... even the nickname...

"This is bad... I've been asked to eliminate her... but, she's my best friend from highschool, I don't want to hurt her!" she trembles, trying to get her mind together. Her eyes glow as Lau and Setsuba's voices are heard.

/T...this is so bad!/ Setsuba freaks out, trying to figure out what to do.

\Are you joking Setsi? Are you serious? It's simple what we do! We assassinate her and get on with our lives!\ Lau cackles

/But what about when she saved Morai from being killed by Shua in pure spite?!/ she hisses.

"both of you! I don't want to kill sophia." both goddesses pause.

\w...what about the money?! the job?!\ Lau shrieks

"Nothing about it! I won't cancel the job, and if anyone else contacts me to do the same as well, I'll accept, but never do it. I'd never want to hurt her again..."

Morai makes a stand, wanting to change herself to instead of attacking her, Protecting her instead. But... Is it right to do so...?

A Complicated Heart - Assassin AU - Sophia Maren x Morai Lau Setsuba.Where stories live. Discover now