1- The procrastinator

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The worst part about going to a trip or let's just say moving is packing ,like all the things you need to pack ranging from essential commodities to obviously clothes but what kind of clothes should be packed. Should it be shorts and tees or my cute collection of dresses that I own or should it be sweaters and less lovely winter outfit . With this dilemma in mind I have been staring at my suitcase laying on the bed past me for the past 1 hour and just when I decide to get up and move into action my phone rings.

"did u pack all your personal things and please don't forget all the research documents and paperwork you have been working on for the last 2years....your flight is in an hour " Jules states knowing me well enough and all my habits.

"Yes I have packed all the research work but am yet to decide on what clothes to pack" I say knowing well that she would be annoyed with it. " It's 7:05 Eve and your flight is at 8:00 ....you seriously got to be kidding me if you are cramping over some dresses .....just pack literally anything and if u forget something I will get it for you from here only....just get those research work and reach the airport ASAP" Jules said .... Well more like screamed into my ear completely frustrated. I on the other hand calmly spoke and said "gurl just relax ....I got it and don't u worry about anything " clearly lying though my teeth. By now I could picture Jules facepalm herself as she spoke " you know how important this opportunity is for us ,our people and for the pack and yet you don't seem to take this seriously enough" now angry with me. With that she hung the call.

Well let me fill in all the gaps that I have left behind and introduce myself.


I'm Evelyin Leah Anderson. I'm a researcher and a yet to be brilliant doctor whose aim is to being a Evolutionary change in the field of science .....well more like lycanthropy science.

In a world when people have acknowledged and accepted the existence of supernatural being and also allotted more like separated them by providing them a place they can call their own and having links with their leaders ...I'm a by-peron and by that I mean human having relations with the lycanthropy world . My parent were werewolves ...infact the alpha and Luna of their pack and my older brother Flynn is the current alpha of silver moon pack making Jules the Luna . Yes ,Flynn and Jules are mates and they are my world . My parents died when I was 10 and since Flynn was the oldest child he inherited the position and responsibility of the pack.

Now you must be confused as how come a human was born to werewolves ....well it's simple . Werewolves are part human thus they are home sapiens. However what makes them wolves is the mutation in their genetic structure altering their DNA and its components . The presence of werewolf genes enable them to shapeshift and transform themselves into as we call it giant direwolves . This Gene was absent in me making me human and an outsider in their world.

Both my parents as well as Flynn did their best to protect me and keep me safe ....maybe that's the reason why I rarely met 'my people' and mostly lived among human population either with Dad's human friends or with caretakers .

Flynn was always there for me as a brother as a friend and most importantly as my best friend's mate. He claimed that I was his utmost responsibility and also said that if he had to choose between me or the pack ,it would always be me. A promise he made to Mom and Dad when I was born. He and Jules met when we were in Scientific institute of research and development (SIRD) , NYC.

Juliette aka Jules (only I and her friends call her that) was a packless wolf, a rogue who left her pack due to the torture she had to endure there . She was a healer and could channel nature's power and her energy to help supernatural being when Scientific way didn't work . Obviously she couldn't cure cancer or any deadly disease just wounds and aging. What made them special was that they could save people who met with deadly accidents by transferring their energy into them for a time being.

That was my brief introduction to you guys. so back to the issue. I packed whatever I could fit in my suitcase , got dressed into skinny black jeans , a white tank top and a peach blazer keeping it classy with me favorite nude pumps. I decided to put on some lip gloss and eyeliner. Since my hair were wavy ,I put it into  a ponytail and I was all set to go. I checked for passport and phone ,locked my apartment ,got my car keys and reached airport just in time as my flight took off .


Yes, my flight left me and all I could picture was Juliette's angry face as I headed towards the flight crew and informed her that I missed my flight. She unconcerned with that fact told me that the next  flight to New Orleans was in 2 hours and I could board that one if I wanted . Cursing a few words in my mind I took my ticket and headed towards the waiting area.

I took out my phone and called the one person whose wrath could be felt from miles away. I called ....... Jules.

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