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Patton: logie!

Logie: Hello Patton.

Patton: im awake!

Logie: I can tell.

Logie: If you don't mind me asking

Patton: asking what?

Logie: Where do you live?

Patton: tampa, florida why do you ask? :)

Logie: Just curious, interesting because I live there too.

Patton: you do?! :0

Logie: Yes?

Patton: :0000 does that mean we can meet one day?!

Logie: I mean if you want to meet then I'd love to.

Patton: i know where we can go!!

Logie: And where night that be?

Patton: the clearwater marine aquarium! i love that place!!!

Logie: Hm, I've never been there. I supposed we can meet there.

Patton: how does in 2 weeks sound?

Logie: Sounds perfect.

Patton: yay!! omg Logie we're gonna have so much fun!!!

Logie: If you say so Patton :)

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