Why did you come back?!

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We enter the restaurant and..I see my ex-Blake   I turn my back and roll my eyes while tears are coming from my eyes,
Logan:where you going *grabs her waist*
Jake:u good Rik?
Erika: I just saw my ex in there, I don't wanna go in....
Jogan (logan&jake) hugs Erika they both wipe her tears
Jake:forget about him let's just go inside and sit at the bar
Erika nods her head
They all go in holding Erika side by side not making eye contact with Blake

They all sit together at bar and then...Blake comes behind Erika and slithers his arms around Erika's waist
Blake:Hey baby, did ya miss me?!..*smirks*
Erika immediately turns around and jumps into Jake's embrace, Jake and Logan turn around and see Blake and give him a death stare
Erika:Get away from me!!! I HATE YOU!!
Erika was at the verge of crying

Logan then stands up and shoves Blake alittle
Logan:GET THE FUCK OUT our area and leave US alone...*death glares him*
Logan then wraps his arms around Rik while he still looks at Blake
Blake:aww...Erika your boyfriend is standing up for you *tries touching her cheek*

Jake: *smacks his hand before it touches erika* AND she has another one by her side too, so I SUGGEST you leave before you get beat UP!!!...
Blake:*puts his hands up* easy there my man, it's not my fault if Erika a whore for dating 2 guys at a time...

Jogan: THATS IT!! Logan then grabs him by the collar and shoved him to the wall, while Jake punches his face and Logan kicked him right in the balls, Logan throws him on the floor
Erika then runs to Jake and Logan and hugs them,
Erika: Thank you guys! *tears up* let's leave before security comes...
They all left and went to get froyo for the night and went back to the hotel and fell asleep together....

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