I dont wanna lose you...

878 9 2

Math Class

They all enter school and sit together at a table

Erika: I hope this day goes good....

Jogan: same

Teacher enters and class starts

At Lunch

Erika: imma go to the bathroom ill meet you guys at the lunch table

Logan: Alright

Jake: ok lets go find a table
They walk into the cafeteria

Erika enters the bathroom and hears a girl crying in the stall

Erika: hello??

The girl stops crying and opens the stall door

Erika: Hey here take this *grabs paper from the sink* what's wrong?

She turns around and shows Erika her shirt stained with what smelled like coffee

Erika: omg who did this to you?!

Girl: Alissa...she's the popular girl of the school she poured her coffee on me because my shirt looked ugly...

Erika: don't worry I'll handle Alissa, but here *she reaches into her bag* I luckily always bring a extra shirt and pants Incase of anything..*hands it to...*

Erika: what's your name btw?

Girl: ohh I'm Sunny, what's yours?

Erika: Erika but you can call me Rik

Sunny: well thank you Rik I appreciate it

Sunny goes into stall and changes into the shirt

Sunny: thanks again I don't know what would've happened to me if you didnt come in *clears her tears away in the sink*

Erika: anytime, *they hug* let's go to the lunch room you can sit with me if you want to

Sunny: id love too!

They walk out

And Erika see Alissa flirting with Jake and Logan

Erika: I'm back. *stares at alissa*

Jake: Erika this is...

Erika: Alissa I know...

Alissa: I hope we can be friends *fake smiles*

Erika: haha yeah never *serious*

Logan: Erika...

Erika: No Logan!! You don't know how she really is!! She made sunny cry and poured coffee on her!!

Alissa: oh please!? why are you even here!?

Erika: Why are you here!! And near my guys!?

Alissa: I'm just tryna make some new guy friends *smirks and put her hands around Jake and logan*
Erika: DONT FUCKING TOUCH THEM!! *erika grabs Logan and Jake and leads them behind her*

Erika: we can throw hands right now-IDFC!

Jogan: Erika NOO!! *backs her away*

Alissa: listen to ur boyfriend u slut...

Erika: that's it!! *erika jumps out their grip and jumps on Alissa and starts beating her*

Logan: ERIKA THATS ENOUGH!! *pulls her away from Alissa and hold her tightly*
Jake pulls Alissa away from erika*

Alissa: yeah Erika listen to your boyfriends you slut!!

Erika: YOU BITCH DONT EVER GET NEAR ME OR MY FRIENDS EVER AGAIN!! *tries get out of Logan's grip*

Erika: LET ME GO LOGAN!! *squirms trying to get out his grip*

Logan: that's it! *logan carries her to a corner of the cafeteria* Erika control yourself!!

Erika: she called me a fucking slut!!! AND WAS TOUCHING YOU AND JAKE SHE CROSSED THE FUCKING LINE!!

Logan: ERIKA! BABY listen to me, look at me...*grabs her face and looks into her eyes trying to make eye contact with her until Erika finally met his eyes*

Logan: your not a slut, and you didn't have to fight her, you will never lose me or Jake your our girl and that our job of protecting you okay... *looks at her with lust in his eyes*

Erika calms down and stares deeply into Logan's eyes

Erika: I don't want to see you near her or this will happen again and honestly- *she starts to break down* I don't wanna lose u guys ever just because of a bitch like her...

Logan: *hugs her* you will never lose me to any girl, I don't have the balls to do that because I'm- im deeply in love with you I don't know about Jake but I just see you as the girl i will die for, take a bullet her, I wanna be with, have kids with, and maybe one day marry... *holds her hand* Erika, baby I love you...*wipes her tear away*

Erika: I-i-i Love you too loges and I'm sorry if I overreacted, *puts her head on his chest* I love you and Jake so much that I don't know what I'll do without you...u guys are literally my everything, my life, my guys, my boys, my baby's, and daddies *giggles*

Logan: you got that right *smacks her ass and grabs it* gimme a kiss...*they both giggles*

Jake: yo guys they want us in the principles office...


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