Golden glove

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She is being pulled back by a strong, tanned man who has her in a headlock. He has a cloud tattoo on his arm. As she closes her eyes she thinks of how open she was with Luca and how thats not how she wanted to go.

Shes about the open her eyes and she hears shots fired. Two sets of noises, but still gunshots. She thinks back to when she had her rifle and the noises it makes. She realises there has been 13 shots from her friends on SWAT and 19 from what sounded like Berretta 96s. But they didnt hit anything. SWATS did.

Opening her eyes she is still being led near what she thinks are fire stairs. She kicks backwards hitting what feels like a kneecap. She is freed from the death grip as she throw 4 power- packed punches. Knocking him dizzy, he hits back twice busting her lip and Cutting the side of her face, with a shaped ring she gave him 3 blows to the stomache with her classic black boots. He pushed her against the wall. And she hit her head and blacked out.

~~~~~~~~~~Back at hq~~~~~~~~~

R- Ryan
DS- Desk Sargeant

R- Hi im looking for a friend i think she works here

DS- Who is she I might know her.

R- Her name is Third Officer Christina Alonzo.

DS- Yeah I know her. What do you want with her. You better not be a boyfriend, stalker, mass murderer or criminal because they slightly hard to work near.

R- Shes my.... Cousin. Is she here

DS - Well her unit isnt back yet
they're on a call but ill let you up.

R- Thanks, where am I going.

DS- Take the lift the the fifth floor and then sign in up there. I'll call up and let them know before hand

R- Great. See you later.

And with that he left the slightly sarcastic Desk Sargeant and went up to the fifth floor.

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