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Aegisshipping okay like I said before I haven't consider about shipping people with Pokémon but like I said I could in the future and I like them as trainer and Pokémon so for this ship I give it a

Aegisshipping okay like I said before I haven't consider about shipping people with Pokémon but like I said I could in the future and I like them as trainer and Pokémon so for this ship I give it a

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WAIT WAIT WAIT why  should I RATE this if you all know that I don't like it but if some of you haven't got the idea then it's a official 1/10 I man the one is for the fan art so ya I am done MIKA-CHAN

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WAIT WAIT WAIT why  should I RATE this if you all know that I don't like it but if some of you haven't got the idea then it's a official 1/10 I man the one is for the fan art so ya I am done

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