Guilty by Association

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The stream opened by the front steps of the big house and Roedin stepped out clutching Culden by the arm. Hayden and Sari followed then Niamh giving Vivianne an extra shove of encouragement. They each went on high alert at the sight of the farm in ruin.

"Of course I have this dress on," Niamh cursed, pushing Vivianne out of her way and igniting a pair of fireballs in her hands.

Hayden grabbed a cheap short sword lying in the dirt at their feet and pulled Sari in close. Without waiting for the order Roedin leapt into the sky and surveyed the scene from above.

A fire had been extinguished in one of the wings of the house, but there was extensive damage to the building. Corral fences were smashed and animals ran loose as a breeze scattered papers and cloth through the empty yard. Broken furniture lay scattered about and the majority of the windows had been smashed in. Off to the side Roedin saw the unusual barn with the louvered walls. The same one he had seen in Avery's mind.

He speared to the ground and landed with such force Culden nearly tumbled over. The furious Myotes marched forward and grabbed the slaver by the throat, lifting him off the ground easily.

"Where are they?" Roedin snarled.

Culden coughed and sputtered. "I don't know anything! My farm has been destroyed!"

Sari lifted the skirts of her elegant party dress and raced up the steps to the house. She pushed aside the broken doors and they followed her into the main foyer, quickly surveying for any threat. Sari grabbed a decorative sword from above the fireplace mantel and cringed at its dullness.

Behind them Vivianne let out a wail as she took in her destroyed home. They moved through the rooms together, assessing the damage and looking for any survivors.

"No, no, no! How can this happen? I'm ruined!" Culden muttered on repeat.

Roedin heard the whisper of a presence downstairs and moved through the house. The kitchen was empty but he could smell blood and saw the dirty rags in the sink. A muffled cry reached his ear and he ripped open the pantry door to find a very pregnant sapien female clutching a kitchen knife and shielding her younglings with her body.

The female screamed when she saw the Myotes looming over her but he simply scowled at her. Culden pushed by Roedin and scooped up his daughter in his arms.

"Yvonne, you're alright! I was so worried!" he cried.

Roedin snorted. So worried? He hadn't once mentioned he had another daughter and younglings in the house as he wailed over his ruined property.

Footsteps sounded on steps outside and Roedin turned to see a sapien male leaning on the doorframe. His leg was poorly bandaged and his dark eyes scowled at them under heavy bruising.

"Krastic!" Culden snapped. "What happened here?"

Krastic eyed the Corinthian's warily before answering his employer. "We were attacked. Two days ago, they came in the morning while we were...gathered in the yard."

Sari cocked her head. "Who attacked you? Faunids?"

Krastic glanced at the beautiful sapien in fine clothes but holding a sword with authority and confidence. "Humans," he hissed.

Sari's mouth fell open in surprise.

"Humans did this?" Niamh asked, equally shocked. "They overwhelmed a plantation full of sapiens and destroyed it?"

Krastic scowled at the brown-haired female but he kept his mouth shut and waited for Culden to step in.

"Except it wasn't full of sapiens, was it?" Roedin interjected. "There was only a skeleton crew here as the rest had travelled with you to the wedding. The plantation was full of humans already."

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