A new dawn, a new day

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"See where the flesh is inflamed? It's red and swollen, extremely painful to the touch."

Delicate fingers touched the wound but the pressure didn't transfer to pain.

"That's right, add the concoction directly to kill the infection. Too late to stitch it—not that she needs to worry about scaring."

More pressure and a light tingling under her skin.

"Gods almighty, what a mess. Did you say she came with the Leanderra plantation slaves?"

"Yes, doctor. My father was the field medic with her."

"Well it's no wonder these slashes are in such good shape if he was the one treating them. I've always maintained that his skills are wasted on the Rangers."

The girl didn't comment.

"Still..." The doctor paused in her administrations. "How old did you say she is?"

Some shuffling of papers.

"Unknown. Friends said early-twenties perhaps," the girl reported. "That's a lot of scars for someone in her twenties."

The doctor sighed. "Monsters."

Avery dragged her eyes open, unable to move any other body part. She could see but felt detached from her body, completely frozen. There was no panic or fear, only catatonic observation. She lay face down on a smooth table, her head turned to the side, naked. Her slave clothes and woolen leggings had been removed but she was comfortably warm under a coarse sheet. A cloth mask covered her mouth and nose.

"Robin, note in the file that she does not bear the mark. And check the mask again, please."

The man called Robin stepped into Avery's field of vision and placed a gentle hand on the side of her head.

"Doctor, we have eyes," he said.

The hands stopped working on her back immediately.

"Give her half a dose. We're almost finished here," the doctor instructed.

He administered a few drops of oil to the mask on Avery's face. She inhaled the sweet scent of lavender and chamomile and was immediately transported to the spring flower stalls in the market at Corinth. Her muscles relaxed and eyelids dropped closed again. She felt him brush some loose hair off her face.

"That's it. Go back to sleep. You can rest now."


"What do you mean we can't see her?" Rena demanded tersely, her temper boiling to the surface.

"Only immediate family members are allowed in the recovery wing. Hospital policy," the nurse explained. He was a big, burly man whose demeanor, as well as body size, filled the doorway. Rena looked at Cedar for support, but instead of fury her friend's shoulders sagged in defeat.

"We are her family..." he mumbled weakly.

Cedar's sad resignation made Rena even angrier. "How dare you?" she spat at the nurse. "Do you have any idea how insulting that is?"

"I'm not trying to hurt your feelings I'm trying to follow doctor's orders and ensure the patients are resting. If you—"

"It's alright, Robin. I'll handle this," called a tall woman from down the hall. The nurse looked immensely relieved to be absolved of this responsibility and quickly made his exit.

The woman walked with an air of authority that made Rena a little nervous but also somewhat impressed. She wore a pale green hospital uniform and a stethoscope around her neck like a nametag.

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