It Was Just The First Truth

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Ummmm this one, or this one i said as i picked out a whole bunch of dresses.At the end i chose a black dress with transparent flowers.I couldn't stop thinking about the man of last night and what his name was.I was thinking of not going but i was way to afraid if he was going to do something when he doesn't see me in the pizza store..But what worried me the most was the way he said we were all going to die."Raise that face up and smile just like the 19 years old i know"Kat said as she brushed my hair in an elegant bum.

When i was finally there i saw him sitting drinking some type of red juice which i don't even know the name of it..I didn't really looked at everything that was on the table and even thought it took me a long time to go in because of my frightens i went and sat in front on him...We were talking for a long time about ourselves and eating pizza.But i didn't really quite told him much about me and he literally told me something that left me very but very weird and it left me very scared of my own self...He told me that i wasn't normal and that somebody really close to me was the same,That me and that somebody had the same dreams every single night and that those dreams really meant something...Every dream i had was a future teller meaning it really did happened...Every dream i had every night happened the next day after that night or the next day and it may happen in a whole week.

Kat came for me in her purplish car...Her car was her most precious thing just because purple was her favorite color and it was the most expensive cost eight hundred ninety-nine.......As soon as we got home she told me what was going on because she kind of knew the face i had on.It was some of a worried face.I told her that everything we dreamed was going to happen just like the one we had together the day i went to her house.All she told me was that we better have our pants put on right because everything was going to have to be different from now and on and that was because after we had that dream everything change.Kat always had my back...That's why i always considered her a sister even thought we were only best friends...Kat only grew up with her dad but i only grew up with my mom...

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