Chapter seven; grayson

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/Marina's POV\
What I had seen made my heart break into million of pieces, I felt like jelly, I broke down in tears. I cover my mouth with my hands as my makeup runs down my face and I immediately feel someone's arms rap around me.
"Shhh...shh... it's're not okay and that fine...let it all out but don't tell Jay and Mary.." I hear a familiar voice say, comforting me as he turns me around and gets on the floor with me, I hug the muscular man back not asking who he is. His big hands stroke my head as he keeps whispering "shh...shh.."

I had seen Mary and Jason making out, french kissing may I add. She knows that I may have fallen in love with Jason..but it's whatever now, right?


Six months have passed and they still don't know, I don't plan on them knowing anytime soon. They don't even know that I know and Jason's still hitting on me? I stare at my body lenght mirror, in my undergarments and bra. Staring at my reflections eyes before I suddenly get snapped out of my trance like stand from a text.

From: Grayson Dolan
hey!just wondering if u wanna come hang later? me and e are having a game night, cam will be there too btw
To: Grayson Dolan
yeah, sure. i'll there, what time and where?
From: Grayson Dolan
After 2.30 because that's when I'll be fresh, and it's ** ****** ****** ****

I got ready, showered, blow dried my hair and put on a crop ac/dc shirt, ripped black jeans, black velvet boots, leather jacket, and sat on the couch drinking my tea, until I see Jason.

"Hey!" He says with such enthusiasm
"hi." I groan whilst rolling my eyes and taking the last sip of my tea before getting up and walking outside. I sat on the curb waiting for 2.35pm to arrive so I know they'll defiantly be ready by then, as I wait I watch some of their videos.
2.54pm rolled around, I hopped up and started fast walking in the way google maps was taking me, I arrive at a house and knock on the door and guess who was there.

Yup, you guessed correctly...

Hey! Sorry for such the late update, stuff has been going on in my life so like yeah fun. I'm assuming the next chapter will be out next Friday(23rd November 2018) or next Saturday(24th November 2018) Anyway! That's it for now. I also wanted to wish one of my best friends Hannah a very special 13th birthday (17th November) I love you <3 -🚬🖤

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