Chapter 6

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Ella's POV

I moaned as I rolled over on something very uncomfortable. I became acutely aware of a throbbing ache in my neck and back.

I sat up, realizing that I had fallen asleep on the concrete step. I looked around for Loki, who was standing talking to Barton a few yards away.

I stood, suddenly feeling a restrictive binding on my leg. I then remembered the cast, wrapped around my thigh.

I took a deep breath, glancing around to see if anyone was watching, and slammed my hand down on the cast. It disintegrated to dust, falling to the floor.

I flexed my leg, the bone completely healed.

The one perk to being a destructive monster.

I walked over to Loki, wrapping my arms around his torso for some reason.

He turned to see who it was, a smile spreading across his face as he saw my face.

"Hello, darling. Feeling better?" He swung an arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer.

I nodded. Whenever I was seriously injured, all the energy was then from me as my powers worked to heal the bone. It was exhausting, to have all of your energy sapped from you.

"Where's your cast?" Loki asked, shocked.

I leaned up to his ear, whispering, "I'll tell you later." It was quiet enough that Barton couldn't hear what I was saying. Loki looked at my face, studying me, before nodding and agreeing.

"What else do you need?" Loki asked, turning back to Barton.

"A distraction." Barton walked over to a black case, taking his bow out.

"And an eyeball."

I grimaced, shivering inwardly.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We are getting ready to obtain the last piece of equipment Selvic needs. Iridium. A precious substance that acts as a stabilizer."

I nodded. "What does that mean for me?"

Loki chuckled, drawing me to him and pressing our heads together.

"That, darling, means we are going to Germany."

"And why is that?" I asked, looping my arms around his neck. I was straining to hold onto him since Loki was a good half a foot taller than me.

"We will attend a concert reception where we will retrieve the iridium."

"Iridium is in Germany, in a concert hall?"

Loki laughed. "Not precisely, my Midgardian friend. We need the doctor's eyeball for clearance into the lab. There, we will find him. And his eye."

"And what will I be wearing to this festive event?"

"That, my darling, is up to you. Though I suggest you don't look too ravishing."

"And why is that?"

"Because most human men are easily tempted by beauty. And I don't want them to forget one crucial fact."

"And what is that?"

Loki's grasp on me tightened. "You. Are. Mine."

I laughed, detangling myself from him and walking back to my bed.

Of course, I did not know the extent of Loki's plan currently. I only knew that he wanted to lead something called the Jitari. That was it.

But I didn't know what that meant. I contemplated what his plan was in my room, slowly massaging my once injured thigh.

I was afraid that once Loki and the Avengers came in contact, there would be some tension. Without a doubt.

I had known all of them for years now; they had taken me under their wing when Fury discovered me in that horrible lab ten years ago. They had all been so nice, so comforting and protective.

Especially Thor.

I feel like Loki may have a problem with that.

But if they came face to face with Loki, I was in deep trouble. I would have to choose who I was with. I would have to choose a side.

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