Why bio, Why?

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Beca POV

The alarming sound of the bell rung through the halls, always on time, like a roaster waiting for the sun to rise to send a shot of adrenaline and anxiety to the closest person or animal near them. I was dreading the next period like it would be my very last moment on earth, the only good thing about bio was the fact that Chloe was my lab partner. Today was dissection day and I know on the out side I put a mean exterior but I really hate hurting animals only the lord could help me now. Sluggishly trudging down the long twisted corridor, the walls of pure white tainted with time were beginning to peel off, barely holding onto the brick wall beneath. As I slowly approached the wooden door with the streaks of natural brown peeping through the auburn paint coat above it and a small opaque window, I made out the figure sitting in the seat next to mine it was the blue eyed angel, only one thing was stopping me from entering and greeting the glorious creature and it was a gruesome, lumpy structure floating in a tiny container, from afar you would say it looked like a brain but the wretched smell would say other wise. Cautiously moving my hand to the glistening silver handle I turned it and pushed as the handle sent a chill down my spine for it was the coldest thing I had touched that day like a ice queens heart hidden under a pile of snow, frozen solid waiting to be found and saved from its icy prison.  Each step I took towards the ginger headed ghost the worse the horrid smell of the mysterious lump got, it was as though there was a dead body hidden around amplifying the stench. It must have been clear on my face that I was disgusted by the lump for the next words spoken called me out on it.

"I don't believe it, is big bad beca scared of cow intestines" Chloe joked, it was a sight for sore eyes, like my ears, my eyes, my heart and every drop of soul in me was blessed.

"No, I'm not afraid I just don't like the smell, How can you stand it?" The more the smell grew the more I scrunched my nose and swatted the air around me in hope it would divert the direction of the smell obviously it didn't do much, but once again I was brought out from my state of disgust by the ginger

"Well your face is still adorable" she said then a slightly horrified impression made an appearance for a second as she blabbed put the next sentence that made me forget about the wretched stench. " not like your face isn't always adorable, wait I mean it's not like I'm attracted, Well... never mind"

Soon enough we were both rolling on the floor at her random but well appreciated compliment, that was until the teacher came in

"No more horsing around girls we have work to do, come on everyone grab a lab coat, a pair of gloves , safety goggles and a pair of tweezers"

A giant slab of the cow intestine was plopped in our tray, the smell burning through our nose hairs preventing any sweet smells from entering the two tiny caves.

"Okay guys I just want you to poke around investigate for a while then I will hand you your work sheets and u can start answering the questions"

With that everyone began poking and praying open the intestines, the boys were slapping and punching it like it was slime.

"So how do you want to do this?" The tantalising voice echoed through my ears distracting me from the gruesome pile of slop on the bright pink tray

"How bought we don't poke this and just talk" the desperation and disgust coating my voice as I replied to the angel, my angel.

"Not that I wouldn't love talking to you but I really need to pass bio this year"

"Ok um let's just poke it then see what else we can do" I replied

For the rest of the lesson we did our work ignoring the imbeciles sitting on the table beside us, the fools were still pulverising the poor cows intestines when the class bell rang

"Ok class who's our table wipers for today? And who's our intestine disposal crew?"

All the girls and guys except Chloe and I raised their hands for intestine disposal because it was quicker to do, but I was happy cause it meant more alone time with Chloe

" hey becs can you give me a hand with this last table"

"Sure" I slid on the now hygienic and shiny table and landed as gracefully as I could right beside her when I tripped on my shoelace little panic flooded in but passed just as quickly and was replaced with the feeling of two warm hands wrapping around my waist, lifting me up  with a shocked expression as her lips were just nanometers away.

~sorry I haven't updated exam week is next week and I'm panicking and haven't had time to write I know this is a really short chapter but I swear if I pass all my subjects then I will make sure I update every week. Thank you to the 14 people who read the other chapters sorry this was a short one~

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