A confession for a confessin

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Chloe POV
(Little itty bitty beginning of a smut warning, nothing too detailed cause I am saving that for later tehehehhe)

A tear slipped down my face, leaving a dismal, invisible stain across my cheek. I wiped it away with a speed greater then light, because I did not want Beca to see me like this. I turned to face her. Our eyes locked, I couldn't take mine off of her face. Though it was dark, her features were highlighted by the moonlight dripping in.

"Mmh what happened" I barely whispered it out, afraid of her telling me about how she never reciprocated the feelings I had for her.

"I ugh" she stuttered, the gears in her head turning as she tried to tell me something. You could hear her brain buzzing with hesitation.

"Ok I'm nervous so I'm just going to say it" She took a deep breathe, preparing herself to say the truth, preparing herself to break my heart.

"I love" I cut her off before she finished the sentence.

"Aubrey" I blurted out, I saw the confusion on her face. She was probably wondering how I knew.

"I saw her on top of you just know, is that why you said you needed to speak to her today? Did you confess your feelings?" Everything just rushed out and I couldn't help but let a few tears spill out. My heart cracked with each moment of silence, her face contorted displaying her confusion and pity for me. The silence was deafening.

"Chloe, I don't love Aubrey" Now it was my turn to look with confusion, then who did she love?

"I love you" The shattered pieces of my heart gathered together, piece by piece more tears spilled as the smile on my face grew with ferocity.  I could not control my joy and leaped into her arms. The warmth radiating off of her sent a spark across my skin.

"I love you too" I whispered into her neck. "Wait but why was Aubrey on top of you on the beach.

Beca burst out laughing "She slipped and fell I tried to catch her but I ended up falling too and she fell on top of me" This time I bursted our in laughter, if only I didn't jump to a conclusion I could have save myself the tears.

Detaching ourselves from one another, she looked at me. Her eyes, I was drowning in her eyes. She leaned in her lips gently moving along mine, they danced for dominance, each movement increasing the speed. Soon she was kissing my neck and my jawline, I let out a soft moan as she had found my sweet spot. I bit her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gladly gave. Our tongue like our lips fought for dominance, I won. Soon we began to move to the bed, she pushed me down even though she was small she had a lot of power with in her. She removed her shirt then mine, and then began removing everything until we were nude and vulnerable infront of each other. She lay on top of me leaving a trail of kisses on my chest down to my stomach. I wrapped my legs around her and flipped her, so that I was on top. I kissed every part of her body, making my way down to her inner thigh.

Soon I reached her Sweet spot, this was going to be a long night for the both of us.

~ next morning ~
Beca POV
The sun shone in awaking me, my eyes fluttered open and saw the bare back of Chloe. A tattoo of a butterfly on her neck was slightly covered by a few ginger strands of hair. I moved closer and kissed her back and drew a few circles until she turned to face me.

"Good morning beautiful" she said her voice rough and raspy due to all the fun we had last night.

I couldn't help but smile and she leaned in to kiss me. Suddenly I remembered the guy from yesterday, the guy who exchanged numbers with Chloe. I pulled back, Chloe now held a pout on her face.

"What happened, do you not want to kiss me?" She said sadness creeping in. I gave her a quick peak on the cheek.

" I do but I'm curious, who was the guy from yesterday and why did you switch numbers with him?" Her face turned a bright red as a grin spread across her face.

"That is for me to know and you to find out" with that vague answer she hopped out of bed and headed to the shower. Not wanting to argue I headed in and hugged her waist, continuing what we began last night.

~Bonjour, Comment ça vas mes amies. I just wanted to thank y'all if you are still reading and wanted to tell you that the story will be ending soon, this was just a short story. But if you want more LGBTQ+ stories good news, I will be writing a supercorp Fanfic in the near future but that will take some time because I want to plan the plot out a bit. Anyway thank you to those who have stuck with this story and sorry for not adding chapters as often and y'all would like.~

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