Buses and Baboons

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Chloe's p.o.v

*one week later*

It had been a week since I had a fever and basically accidentally asked a angel if I could be her sugar mama. Who does that, god that girl makes me speechless. Standing in front of the bellas house, I waited for the others to arrive and for fat Amy to bring the bus round, it was finally time for our beach getaway for spring break and I couldn't wait. Pictures of the beaches and beautiful nights flooded my head, we were picking roommates for our beach huts when we got there and all I could do was pray for the chance to have some alone time with Becs. A loud obnoxious honk filled the air accompanied by the sound of several suitcase scratching against the stony stairs leading to the stiff road, creating high pitched squeaks irritating to the ear.

"Everyone got what they need" Aubrey hollered as she looked at her own check list. I had this odd feeling I was forgetting something when a voice from behind pulled me from my trance.

"Hey ginger weren't you gonna bring your guitar, I wanted to hear a solo" Beca reminded me of the promise I made her will I was still a little dizzy from my fever


"Chlo wake up, I need to give you you're medicine" she said as the light flooded my eyes the rays illuminated her dark hazel hair making it seem as though her eyes had specks of gold.

"Morning beautiful" I said the red on her cheeks more visible than ever

"Chlo you gotta take your meds if you want to serenade me with how did you put it your sweet sound during spring break" she said, what she didn't know is that I had been writing a song for her and was planning to play it during the trip.

"Ok ok fine I'm getting up"

~present moment~

Sprinting across the house, up the wooden stairs to my bright room, I reached out and grasped the handle of my guitar case. Rushing back down and stuffing the case in the back only to notice everyone had already loaded into the bus and was waiting for me. I made my way up the tiny stairs and entered the rusty bucket that was our bus, the only seat available was next to Becs who was listening to music and probably gonna ignore me the whole ride there not giving me a chance to embarrass my self and see her beautiful bright smile.

The engine roared as we embarked on a 2 week trip. The changes several times. The city faded into a country side that transformed into a highway with nothing but forest and beaches passing by and a few Starbucks here and there. 4 hours in the trip and Beca fell asleep on the window leaving me with my thoughts. I couldn't wait to sing the song I wrote for her when it hit me I brought the guitar but I left my song book which help my lyrics and chords, what was I going to do. Just as I was about to spiral into a panic attaxk the bus came to a halt and the Starbucks slash gas station. We unloaded the bus not before I woke up a very feisty Mouse from her daydream. I got mine and Becas usuals while Beca and Emily got us seats. We were there for a 1 hour pit stop to load up on fuel for ourselves and the bus before we jumped back on the road. Only 1 hour away from our destination and some real fun. The drive turned into big trees cascading down creating a safe haven for the wild and free while we caught fragments of browns monkeys who looked golden under the heat of the sun swing from branch to branch. A sudden thud from above caught us all by surprise then three monkeys who's tails grappled on top of the bus swung upside down making faces at us and poking at the glass.

"That one looks like bumper" said fat Amy she pointed to a plump oddly shaped monkey causing us all to laugh. We were soon abandoned by the monkeys and the forest and retreated to the beautiful beach, the crystal clear water surrounding our huts along side the softest sand I have ever seen made the view too good to be true this would be a fun week.

We unloaded our gear and made our way to the organic looking huts when Emily spoke up.

"Guys don't want to be a bother but we forgot to draw names on the bus so we need to do it here" she said holding up a grey beanie with the words New York embroidered on the front, it was filled with names while another beanie this one being held by Ashley contained numbers which represented the huts we would be staying.

" alright ladies, once you have got your hut and partner, start unpacking cause we have a midnight horse riding trek to go on" Aubrey commanded

We formed two line since one of the beanies had half of the girls those who's names were in there for to pick houses.

I got to go last for picking a name while beca already got her hit number my prayer is to get her and it was like the gods finally listened to me, I reached into the cosy beanie and pulled out a white chit on it read B.Mitchell. We made our way towards the hut furthest away from the beach. The sun had set and we had unpacked and crashed now we just have to wait for the moon to rise and our alarm to wake us while we lay on the same soft bed holding each other.

~ heyo sorry I haven't updated in like forever I just had no clue what to write and had a lot of stuff going on and life sucks but hey writing is fun so here I am again sorry and thank y'all~

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