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Channing pov:

I'd do anything for Scarlett, I don't want her to go to university but if she wants her dreams to come to that's the only way. She doesn't know yet but I'm going to let her go then one day turn up in Britain and meet her.

Today I'm taking Scarlett out to a place where I can prove my love and good faith to her. A place where no other man has took her, well I hope not, I'm taking her on a beach picnic it may not be fancy but champagne of the beach all well for me. Scarlett doesn't like fancy or expensive things even though she's rich it just isn't her thing.

hey Scarlett after work I'm taking you out. So ill be outside the shop at 5:00pm see you soon xx

Scarlett's pov:

Aww Channing always takes me out to places, most of the time they are expensive places and I hate going to places like that. But what girl would say no to a man like Channing(Lauren) he's sweet, seriously good looking so what more can I ask for.

5:00pm and I saw Channing park right outside the shop door. I grabbed my coat and bag and headed to the car door.

"Hey chan" I smiled at him

" hey you ready for a lovely evening?" he asked

" well yet but I'm not dressed all fancy and nice"

" what you don't need to dress nice I'm not taking you anywhere fancy" he gasped

I looked at him and gasped, then finally his drove to where ever we where going.

"so where are we going" I questioned

" you'll see" his eyebrow rose

I hate surprises.

" here we are" he smiled and walked on

" the beach, what are we doing at the beach at this time at night?"

" well it's quiet, so I thought we can have a picnic I've brough champagne and the rest" he looked back and winked

I love picnics and the beach it's the best thing he's done since I've met him.

"Listen Scarlett I've brought you out here to tell you that, go and full fill you dreams go to Britain and be the amazing women you always wanted to be. I'll be right behind you every step of the way"

I smiled and just lay my head on his shoulder.

Sitting on the beach half drunk with the man I love is great. but I've got work in the morning so channing had to take me home early. I had a good night it was much better then going somewhere fancy.

The 4 months had passed and it was time for me to go to university. Channing took me to the airport, we waited at least 5 hours before my plane arrived. I saw that ever hour that passed Channing became more sad about me leaving. when the time had come tears filled his eyes, he tried not to show his emotions but he wasn't so good. My heart dropped and guilt came over me.

" are you sure you okay with me going?" tears streamed down my face

" don't worry about me, ill be fine just don't forget to call me." he said holding back his tears.

I walked away looking behind. Channing started crying and walked back to his car.

Channing pov:

Crying, that's the one thing I never do; I don't think I have ever cried over something like this. 3 years that's a long time before she sees me well that what she thinks in 2 months time she will see me. Driving away from the airport felt like I left Scarlett stranded on her own, like come on she 18 and I'm acting as if she my daughter.

2 months passed....

Scarlett's pov:

University Is amazing here, so many nice people. I do miss Channing so much I don't stop texting him or calling him. It's only been a few months and like I miss him I have 3 years yet. I go home for Christmas so that's shouldn't be to bad.

Channing pov:

Awaiting my plane I can picture Scarlett face when she see me. I tricked into telling me her address so that I knew where to go as soon as I hit Britain. She told me she shared with 2 boys and a girl, the boys better not think about touching my girl I kill them if they did.

I slept most the way to britain, it took 7 hours to get here. looking around knowing I hadn't been here in a while it look completely different to america. In the taxi the man was so ignorant not one conversation did we have through the journey the only time he spoke to me when he asked for money.

Staring at the house In front of me I wondered if Scarlett was in, I knocked the door several. so knowing me I just walked in. I shouted Scarlett also several times but no answer, I walked up the stairs and opened a door to find Scarlett lying on some next nerd snogging his face off. She look toward the door and shouted my name, I walked away so angry with her how could she do this to me. I should never of came, I felt like I had bee shot with the pain that ran through me chest. A hard grabbed gripped my should I turned to see Scarlett.

"It's not what it looks like" she shouted

" it's not what it looks like, is that you're Fucking excuse. I wasn't born yesterday I came to surprise you but to find out you cheating on me with him."

" listen"

" no I'm done with you, don't bother coming back to america. you not worth anything now I leave you to finishing Fucking that bastard!!!!"

I slammed the door and sat on the outside stairs. crying like a little baby, what a bitch how could she do this to me. Next minute I know I see that man who scarlett was Fucking come outside the house. He looked at me and laughed.

" mate you so dumb, she wasn't cheating on you. I forced her to snog me and if she didn't I was going to bully her even more at university than I already do." he smiled and laughed

" you what! you Fucking bully her, and you use her. who the Fuck do you think you are you little British bastard(no offence to any British people.) " I punched round the face and watched him run off.

So I went back inside the house. To see Scarlett in tears, so I walked round and notice a sharp blade in her hand and blood all over the floor.

" Scarlett what the Fuck are you doing?" grabbing the blade and throwing it across the room

She fainted but she wouldn't wake up so I called 999.

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