The finally moment part 1/4

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2 years on....

Scarlett's PoV:
Well what can I say these years have flew by, I've finished my course at university. I haven't seen Channing for years. i miss him,load in fact. but he doesn't understand that i never cheated! however i tried to move on with this boy called Adam but i didn't feel the way i feel about Channing. sometimes i scroll down my contacts be tempted to call him but i know that he hates me.

️Channing PoV
As my mum said I would never graduate school. Which I didn't. However I have became an actor, slowly having a good career. even though it's been 2 years since I've seen Scarlett I still miss her. I haven't tried to move on in fact I haven't had the time. but I would like to meet up with her ... I still have her number I'm gonna give her a call.
Ring ring ... Ring ring ....
Scarlett: hello??
Channing: hey Scarlett i see you keep your old number haha
Scarlett: yeah, ️Channing what are you calling for ??
️Channing: well I was wondering do you want to maybe have a coffee sometime??
Scarlett: well I can do Friday??
️Channing: Friday? Yeah sure Friday 12 o o'clock at the cafe on new street?
Scarlett: I'll be there

Well that went to plan didn't it! Finally going to catch up and that's all I'm doing catching up nothing else

Scarlett PoV:
I never thought I'd get a random phone call.... Hmm I wonder if he's going to tell me he is getting married ? Or he's gay? Ah that wouldn't be very good !! Stop worrying I'll be fine. Now I need to know what I'm going to wear, I don need to impress him. I'll just wear a top and jeans.

Friday 11:30 , I curl my hair, I wore vague makeup. I wore a black butterfly shapes top, jeans and brown boots. Right ! Let's go, I hop in my car but then I pause... My thoughts rewind all I can think of is us laughing and hugging but then it being ruined. No stop! It's just a coffee, he probably moved on.

I approve the door and I see him sitting there, wearing skinny jeans, his hair shaped back, with an checkered shirt on. Take a deep breath and go in...

Channing PoV:
My head turns slightly, I stare. Pure beauty had just entered the shop. Who is she, seems so familiar, no no no no that's that's .. Scar.. Scarlett . Wow you changed I grabbed her and hugged her. It's been a years I didn't even recognise you. She laughed. We both say day, it because awkward silence lead the room.
"So Mm how's life " I asked with a smile
" well it's been busy, I finished my degree and not waiting for a job. You ?"
"Well no surprise, I never graduated but my career is started to rise"
"Good good"
Well this is awkward I would never of thought that after all these years we would have so little to talk about. What's happen has she moved on?
"Love life?"
Well I've never had one since, well you know when me and you were together but I'm open to options
Great she's single, could I have a chance!

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