My life changes!

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Scarlett's pov:

creeping into the house after going out with Channing was another story. Everything was quiet, tonight was amazing I fell in love with Channing I really have and honestly I want him but there something that I can't quite get about him. I don't know what it is yet but I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later. It was 11:00pm and I was about to go to bed when I got a text, it was Channing.

hey, sorry it's late but I want to speak. hope I never woke you up!:)x

so I obviously replied.

hi,no its fine I was watching TV, are you okay seen as you text so late.

Everything is fine, I need to tell you something. but I worried it would change our friendship. x

OMG! I sat still in my bed, hesitating if I should reply or not. but I can't tell him how I feel because them he will want me to be his girlfriend! I'm not ready for all this hassle. I should just answer and see what he says.

Mm, well ever since we met, I've loved you as a friend a best friend you have always made me laugh. but tonight made my feelings change, I fell friendships. with you, I don't care if you don't feel the same but please don't let this ruin our friendship.

shit! what am I supposed to say or do, should I ignore him till the morning. yeah that what I'm going to do. It was 6:40am I woke up before my alarm I never do that, I looked at my phone no messages or calls.

today was English Channing was in my lesson great how awkward are we going to feel. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"hey scarlett"

"oh hey chan, you lost again?"

" No, this is English I found my way, are you okay with you know what I told you last night."

" it was quite a shock to be honest, well there's the bell it's time to go in"

Channing pov:

why did I tell Scarlett how I felt, I thought she liked me back oh I'm such a doushebag. she won't even look at me in english, I have a feeling she likes me but too scared to admit it I need to find out. The lesson ended so I ran up to Scarlett and asked her if she wanted to hang out, Thank god she said yes.I think I'm going to do something special.

I went home and got ready, by the time I had finished it was 6:00pm so I grabbed my phone and rung Scarlett to let her know I'm on my way. Pulling outside her house I see a shadow by the window, it moved to the front door. Scarlett pulled the door open and walked towards the car she was wearing a purple dress but she look beautiful.

"hey" while watching Scarlett sit down

" hi, so where we going?"

" ah well I booked us a table at this place my uncle works there "


I know the Scarlett hates dares because she never turns them down well I'm going to dare her too kiss me. As we sat down I notice that Scarlett was weary in what she was doing. I wouldn't if I was being to pushy, we ordered our meals and had a great laugh. She asked me to take her home as it was getting late so I did just that.

" Scarlett I know you have been weary about me tonight, I wish I had never of told you but I'm sorry."

"I've been fine, just trying to get my head around my feelings"

" Scarlett I dare you to kiss me!"

"what channing you know I can't turn down dare. you have to be so spiteful"

" that's the only way you can figure you feelings about me"

Scarlett pov:   

I grabbed Channing face and kissed him on the lips, my body froze, my heart stopped. I was in love, all because of that one kiss.

"so how do you feel now" Channing had to asked

" mmmm" I ran out the car and never even said goodbye

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